bigdreams replied to the topic property management – two agents in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Why not be proactive and get the tenants yourself, screen them and then hand them over to the PM the manage – that way there’s no letting fee which i find is very attractive to potential tenants and you get to pick who you belive is most suitable for your ppty. Have a checklist ready for criteria you want the tenants to meet and go through it…[Read more]
bigdreams replied to the topic Making unconditional offers. in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi, I would second the above opinion – always seek advice from your lawyer first before you consider doing anyting like this. I always prefer to do all my due diligence upfront first before putting in any offers and it has never put me wrong. This was the only time I would ever go cash unconditional and of course make sure you have funds to be…[Read more]
bigdreams replied to the topic Can you help? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi Steve,
Ways of adding value in interesting ways to make the ppty more attractive and hence value up or increase rental to make better yield if it can’t be purchased up front would be good.
bigdreams replied to the topic Our first deal!!! in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Hi all, we’ve just done our first trade deal to get more funds to keep the positive CF deals going and it was all rather challenging but exciting at the same time !! We had our structures set up ready to go. It was a 4 year old B&T home in Manurewa, Auckland valued at approx $320K we bought for $250k from a desp. vendor who had already committed…[Read more]
bigdreams replied to the topic LIMs… Are they worthwhile? in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago
Interesting reading all these posts. I haven’t done a LIM yet on any of my ppties as I like to go and see the ppty folders myself. In Auckland, Auck CC charge, Manukau CC and Papakura DC are free – I always get up early to be the first in line at the CC so I don’t have to wait so long for service. Also, the Building Inspectors and Town Planners…[Read more]