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  • BigAds replied to the topic Structuring in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years, 1 month ago

    Hey Adrian,

    Interesting question with the structuring!

    Your accountant may be right in suggesting you put the property in your own name at this stage of your wrapping career, assuming you do not earn over $50K a year. If you do earn more than $50K a year, your accountant is probably trying to sell you on the benefits of -tve gearing.

    Costs of…[Read more]

  • BigAds replied to the topic WRAPs in WA in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years, 1 month ago

    Hey ZS,

    Yes I am in WA, but no, I havn’t done any WRAPS yet.

    Not sure about the public perception of WRAPS as yet. I think it may be different in WA as we are limited to the lease option method of sale vs the instalment contract if we don’t have a credit provider license (anybody with experience have any ideas on perception?).

    I am trying to…[Read more]

  • BigAds replied to the topic WRAPs in WA in the forum No Subject 22 years, 1 month ago

    Hi ZS,

    Your exact question was raised in the first WA Vendor Finance Association Meeting held last week.

    The answer is ambiguous in that the govt department that issues the Credit Providers License advises that a license is only required if “you are carrying on a business”.[?] They give no real definition of carrying on a business, however I…[Read more]


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