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  • Benny replied to the topic Gladstone area for an investment. in the forum Help Needed! 9 days ago

    Hi Lisatfs,

    Since no-one else has “got up to dance”, I thought I’d share a few ideas.  Note that I have only bought in Brisbane, so I have NO direct knowledge of Gladstone.  However, I recall some events that put a pall over Gladstone some time back – in one example, some major industrial event was planned, everyone got excited, values screamed u…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic Gladstone area for an investment. in the forum Help Needed! 9 days ago

    Hi Lisatfs,

    Since no-one else has “got up to dance”, I thought I’d share a few ideas.  Note that I have only bought in Brisbane, so I have NO direct knowledge of Gladstone.  However, I recall some events that put a pall over Gladstone some time back – in one example, some major industrial event was planned, everyone got excited, values screamed u…[Read more]

  • Hi Jesse,

    This doesn’t sound so bad, but then it depends just what “older concrete foundation that has some minor cracks” actually means.  I believe concrete can develop hairline cracks over time that don’t affect things too much – if the crack is any more than a hairline though, it is likely indication of a bigger problem.

    My path in the past…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic How does an increase in the RBA's cash rate help? in the forum General Property a month ago

    “The RBA admits it raised rates too late”.  Yep, I think we all knew that.  That “emergency setting” was around COVID times. The rest of the world were madly cutting theirs too, so we were playing follow the leader I guess.

    In my opinion, it should never have got to 0.1%, but since it did, at the FIRST sign of a lift (was it around May21?) they s…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic How does an increase in the RBA's cash rate help? in the forum General Property a month ago

    “The RBA admits is raised rates too late”.  Yep, I think we all knew that.  That “emergency setting” was around COVID times. The rest of the world were madly cutting theirs too, so we we playing follow the leader I guess.

    In my opinion, it should never have got to 0.1%, but since it did, at the FIRST sign of a lift (was it around May21?) they s…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic How does an increase in the RBA's cash rate help? in the forum General Property a month ago

    Hallelujah !!!   The RBA finally got to do something right (imho…. :p )    A rate cut of 0.25% that will save the average mortgaged citizen around $1200 a year – or $100 a month, or $25 a week roughly.

    “But don’t plan on more coming any time soon” say the RBA.  Ah well, it is some small mercy, but little more than that.  Perhaps it will allow…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic How does an increase in the RBA's cash rate help? in the forum General Property a month ago

    Hallelujah !!!   The RBA finally got to do something right (imho…. :p )    A rate cut of 0.25% that will save the average mortgaged citizen around $1200 a year – or $100 a month, or $25 a week roughly.

    “But don’t plan on more coming any time soon” say the RBA.  Ah well, it is some small mercy, but little more than that.  Perhaps it will allow…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic How does an increase in the RBA's cash rate help? in the forum General Property 2 months ago

    Could it be “on”?  I hear CBA is predicting a rate cut likely at the Feb 2025 meeting of the RBA, followed by up to 3 more through to the end of 2025.

    Can’t come soon enough for mine, and, I suspect, lots of others too.   So if it comes to pass, the 4.35% Cash Rate should be 3.35% by year’s end.  And no, that is not a 1% drop (of course) – it is…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic How does an increase in the RBA's cash rate help? in the forum General Property 2 months ago

    Could it be “on”?  I hear CBA is predicting a rate cut likely at the Feb 2025 meeting of the RBA, followed by up to 3 more through to the end of 2025.

    Can’t come soon enough for mine, and, I suspect, lots of others too.   So if it comes to pass, the 4.35% Cash Rate should be 3.35% by year’s end.  And no, that is not a 1% drop (of course) – it is…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic How does an increase in the RBA's cash rate help? in the forum General Property 2 months ago

    Could it be “on”?  I hear CBA is predicting a rate cut likely at the Feb 2025 meeting of the RBA, followed by up to 3 more through to the end of 2025.

    Can’t come soon enough for mine, and, I suspect, lots of others too.   So if it comes to pass, the 4.1% Cash Rate should be 3.1% by year’s end.  And no, that is not a 1% drop (of course) – it is…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic NEW QLD RENTAL LAW ISSUES – RENT! in the forum Help Needed! 2 months ago

    Hi Firefly,

    Ah, not such a bad outcome then….

    Re the short term rentals, I’ve been there myself, and the extra rental goes well IF certain things can be mitigated:-

    1.  Does your place have a “point of difference” that has people choose your place over others?  Proximity to the beach could be one….

    2.  The cleaning and preparation be…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic Gold Coast investing in the forum Help Needed! 2 months ago

    Hi Groono,

    Is the ‘big picture’ link sent to my personal message box?

    Sorry, I hadn’t yet PM’ed you – it’s coming…. ;)   But here is the link in one of the forums anyway:-

      I know that council rates, and interest can be tax deductible. But genera…

    [Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic Gold Coast investing in the forum Help Needed! 3 months ago

    Hi Groono,

    Good for you for starting to consider property as a vehicle for building wealth.  It certainly is, as many on here can attest.  But as you seem to already know, there is a lot to learn before pulling the trigger.   Regarding timing, with Interest Rates as high as they are, finance is harder to get for many.  Yet Banks still want to l…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic NEW QLD RENTAL LAW ISSUES – RENT! in the forum Help Needed! 3 months ago

    Yeah, Land Tax – ouch !!!   One of the negatives of Equity Growth eh?  And again, that’s a 140% increase in just two years.  HOW is that any kind of fair?  Especially as mortgages have gone up by even more than that for you, haven’t they?   (3% to 9% is a 200% increase, right?)

    At times like this, I like to look at the numbers to see if “there…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic NEW QLD RENTAL LAW ISSUES – RENT! in the forum Help Needed! 3 months ago

    Hi Firefly,

    Yeah the previous Govt certainly made several brain-dead moves in this space over several years up here.  I’ve talked of these very things in other topics.  I’ve also heard of landlords bailing from the Qld market as many of those law changes impacted them.

    The big one in your case though (obviously) would be the ballooning Cash R…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic How does an increase in the RBA's cash rate help? in the forum General Property 3 months ago

    Are we really likely to have 6 x 0.25% drops this year? (i.e. in 2024)

    Well, that didn’t happen, now did it?  So here we are in Jan of 2025, with still no decrease in the Cash Rate at all.  The headline inflation broke through the 3% band, but that wasn’t good enough for the RBA.  So folks continue to live in tents, power prices continue to gr…[Read more]

  • Benny replied to the topic Property Investor Events in the forum General Property 4 months ago

    Hi PropDir,

    The forum in which meetings are aired is the “Heads Up” forum.  SEQ is well served by one Matt Jones who runs such meetings usually monthly in Brisbane, with other (less often) meetings for the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast.

    Over time, I have seen occasional meetings held in Sydney and Melbourne too, though nowhere near as regular…[Read more]

  • Benny started the topic Beware the experts….. in the forum Opinionated! 5 months ago

    A week or so ago my TV signal went away.  NBN appeared to be working and when I phoned Optus, they knew of nothing in my area to cause this, so I went online.  Computer still worked (hooray) so off I went with Mr Google (startpage actually).

    But here is where things went downhill…….   I clicked on something that seemed genuine – and up pop…[Read more]

  • Wow – it’s been a whole year !!   One major sticking point that has shown up over the last 12 months is the subject of transmission lines.  Think this through now:-

    For a grid to work, it must be interconnected.  To interconnect a plethora of independent inputs requires a spiders web of interconnections.  And copper wire is not cheap.  Neith…[Read more]

  • Wow – it’s been a whole year !!   One major sticking point has shown up over the last 12 months is the subject of transmission lines.  Think this through now:-

    For a grid to work, it must be interconnected.  To interconnect a plethora of independent inputs requires a spiders web of interconnections.  And copper wire is not cheap.  Neither are t…[Read more]

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