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  • bennettvend replied to the topic Buying 2 lesser properties or 1 higher? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Hi,I have bought 7 units instead of 3 and have never regreted.I have found Cairns market to be better for 1 Bedders. With the yield you are talking about, I would go for the 2.

  • bennettvend replied to the topic How to find a lender who will accomodate multiples in the forum No Subject 21 years ago


    I have received some useful insights. HSBC should be able to assist as I remember I discussed with them a syndication loan on an appartment block about 4 years ago and they seemed to be flexible.

    I will have to talk with them.



  • bennettvend replied to the topic +CF Properties – SOLD OUT in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago


    There are many +ve CF.

    I looked yesterday on and found 3 which met criteria on FValue within 1 hour.

    I believe there will come a time shortly where there will be For Sale signs all over the place. And like the stock market in 2001. Yields will just get better.

    Everything has cycles.


