Benn Stephens replied to the topic Is property investing really all its cracked up to be? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
Hello Foundation, I hope you are well.Your input has been fantastic, I would love to know your job, but top secret, as you say.I don't suppose you have anything to offer regarding the length of the mining boom? As a Western Australian Property Advisor, obviously a large portion of my income comes from the fantastic wages being offered to our fly…[Read more]
Benn Stephens replied to the topic Rental vacancy too high??? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago
It is up there, but even so, you're the only one in a position to judge if you can 'hold' it for the time it needs to achieve the significant capital gains. If you still find it to be positively geared even with worst-case scenario vacancy rates, or if you simply allow for high vacancy rates in your planning you should be fine. However, if there a…[Read more]