Ben replied to the topic How to find out the average yield for a suburb in the forum Commercial Property 7 years ago
Buying your first CP is a big step.
You will generally hear leases priced in per square mtr. eg $100/m2 So if the building is 300m2 your rent will be $30,000 pa + outgoings (outgoings are body corp fees, rates etc).
After doing research on sales price history of the one you are looking at and also many others nearby and the info you get from…[Read more]
Ben replied to the topic GST Liability on QLD Commercial Purchase in the forum Commercial Property 7 years ago
I would recommend talking to your accountant.
In Qld, my experience is that if you purchase a CP that is currently leased and will remain leased to the same tenant after purchase then you do not have to pay GST or can get around having to pay it somehow. But if you are buying the CP vacant then you will. However, if you are using a GST…[Read more]Ben replied to the topic loan for CP in the forum Commercial Property 7 years ago
Hi pcn
Never heard of them. The look of their site doesn’t instil much confidence though.
Ben replied to the topic SMSF for Investing in the forum Commercial Property 7 years ago
Hi David,
I just used the accountant I use for my business to set up the SMSF company/trust etc. You will need to get a financial planner’s approval and it is a fairly expensive process. Approx 20K by the time all the professionals and red tape invoices were paid.
Terry summation is correct about the process and it can be a daunting but…[Read more]
Ben replied to the topic Coomera, Queensland – a good area to buy? in the forum Help Needed! 7 years ago
Hi Narinder,
The corridor between Brisbane and the Gold Coast has a lot of new development but is also very popular due to people being able to commute to work in Brisbane while being close to the Gold Coast’s surf, sun & fun. There is also a lot of commercial property development happening between Brisbane and the Gold Coast which will, over…[Read more]
Ben replied to the topic The Property Investment Delusion in the forum Opinionated! 7 years ago
Hi Steve
There is a huge amount of personal variability in IP desire, agenda, methods, circumstances, situations, goals, ambitions, expectations etc. I get that. In addition, I agree that the opportunity is open to all, and it’s also even nice to suggest that this offers hope to those who sacrifice and work hard etc. But I reject the premise…[Read more]
Ben replied to the topic 70% Below Market Value? in the forum General Property 7 years ago
Properties are sold cheap for many reasons but this is one possible dreadfully corrupt but, as far as I know, still legal scenario. Maybe there are some legal eagles out there who can put the Jonny Badboy’s of this world in jail for me.
So we have this business owner. Let’s call him “Jonny Badboy”. The business is earning money and is going…[Read more]
Ben replied to the topic 70% Below Market Value? in the forum General Property 7 years ago
Properties are sold cheap for many reasons but this is one possible dreadfully corrupt but, as far as I know, still legal scenario. Maybe there are some legal eagles out there who can put the Jonny Badboy’s of this world in jail for me.
So we have this business owner. Let’s call him “Jonny Badboy”. The business is earning money and is going…[Read more]
Ben replied to the topic 70% Below Market Value? in the forum General Property 7 years ago
Properties are sold cheap for many reasons but this is one possible dreadfully corrupt but, as far as I know, still legal scenario. Maybe there are some legal eagles out there who can put the Jonny Badboy’s of this world in jail for me.
1. So we have this business owner. Let’s call him “Jonny Badboy”. The business is earning money and is going…[Read more]Ben replied to the topic How to grow an investment portfolio with limited Equity in the forum Creative Investing 7 years ago
Excellent strategy.
You are correct in everything you said, especially the last part about suitable properties being very difficult to find. But they are out there.
You just need to keep your eyes open, know what you are seeking, invest wisely but most important be ready and willing to act when you find the right one(s) and this strategy…[Read more]
Ben replied to the topic Poll: How do you think politicians or regulators should respond to the issue of housing affordability? in the forum Opinionated! 7 years ago
I chose “force councils…” I would prefer that councils are encouraged rather than forced but doing this does a few things.
1. If you open up enough land for development then it puts downward price pressure on land values because those selling are competing against more sellers.
2. It puts downward pressure on prices because there will be more…[Read more]Ben replied to the topic The Property Investment Delusion in the forum Opinionated! 7 years ago
Hi Benny
All true. Some other model parameters:
1. No mortgage at all on any IP’s. Otherwise you would not be getting all the rent as some of it will have to go to pay mortgage payments. Yeah…I know this sounds ridiculous but if say half your rent goes to pay mortgage payments then to get $100,000 pa income you will need 10 “average” IP’s not…[Read more]Ben replied to the topic The Property Investment Delusion in the forum Opinionated! 7 years ago
I have lots of other, more positive stories, and may share or comment more here.
But, as I am so busy running a small business managing staff etc etc it is very difficult to find the time. But seeing as I am currently in that happy place “between” property investments and don’t have much “on the go” I might be able to find some time…[Read more]
Ben replied to the topic The Property Investment Delusion in the forum Opinionated! 7 years ago
Hi Ethan
Your definitely right about one thing. The long posts would have lost almost all readers.
Ben replied to the topic The Property Investment Delusion in the forum Opinionated! 7 years ago
Hi Ethan
1. The $100,000 arbitrary income figure is simply the rental income from 5 “average” Australian properties:- approx $20k per property or $380 per week per property. It is also the annual income figure I used to represent “financial success”.
2. Using the historical purchase price to calculate rental yield is wrong. Any accountant…[Read more]
Ben started the topic The Property Investment Delusion in the forum Opinionated! 7 years ago
How many people in Australia can adopt the strategy that investing in property is the way to success?
Almost no one touting that property investing is the way to go asks this very important question. The starting point to work this out is asking another question “How many investment properties do you need to classify yourself as a success?”…[Read more]
Ben started the topic The Property Investment Delusion in the forum Opinionated! 7 years ago
How many people in Australia can adopt the strategy that investing in property is the way to success?
Almost no one touting that property investing is the way to go asks this very important question. The starting point to work this out is asking another quesiton “How many investment properties do you need to classify yourself as a success?”…[Read more]
Ben became a registered member 10 years ago