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  • Profile photo of StannisStannis
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 23

    Hi mate,
    You can open the bank in the name of your LLC. I have one over there for this precise setup. If you dont want to be there personally, then you will need to delegate someone to open it for you. This is a bit dangerous but if there is someone you can trust with your bank account information AND the ability to access/control it (as they need to open it on behalf of the LLC) then you can go down that avenue. Thats how I did it.

    Make sure you use the right bank in the states though, the bank that I was recommended doesnt let me do transfers properly. Its a pain, so make sure all the little details are correct, like what you want to be able to do (e.g. have a debit card that transactions can be against, transfers between banks etc.).

    Best way that I was recommended to transfer funds is through I’ve used them on multiple occasions. You get a quote for the currency exchange (better than the banks) and then transfer funds into your ozforex account, and then they wire it to your bank account in the states. I havent had an issue with them, just make sure you have all the correct information for the transfer, e.g. SWIFT numbers etc. Dont think there is a limit on transfers, I’ve transferred $40k in one hit from memory.

    Good luck. Investing in the states has high administrative overheads.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Stannis Stannis.
Viewing 21 post (of 21 total)