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thanks for all your help
i Spoke with VCAT today and they would have to prove severe hardship to have us move out before the end of our lease aggreement so I think we are still able to stay untill the lease runs out in April 2009.
bellsdownunder.Thanks for your info
As far as we know they came out to the house and took photos of the place and the puppy and they were happy that the dog was causing no damage and the photos show that the problem we have is that the estate agent have told us that they cant evict us over the dog unless he is damaging the propert or he is causing a menace to the neighbours? He is doing none of that and i dont believe they are coming home it would be a bit silly if they were they have only been away for 6 months and we wre told they were going for 2 years. I think they dont want us to stay with the dog and they now know they cant evict us with out there being a problem with the dog, which there is'nt. It just seems very funny that they are suddenly coming home and we need to leave?? There is nothing in the area that is of the same standard in the same rental bracket so we are up against the wall. What should we do????
What other details do you think I should post