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  • Profile photo of bell432bell432
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5

    Basically this method is called a "wrap" so you are buying and selling a property without you name ever actually touching the property itself for longer then say an hour.  The idea is good however you need to understand the that finding a seller that is going to agree to such terms is going to be hard.

    If you want to continue looking for a deal like this to work, then get out there and start making offers however i dont like your chances there just isn't much in this for the seller and you are putting your self out if you cant turn over the property.  In your contract make sure you include a finance clause if you continue along this path.

    My suggestion would be to continue along this thought process however offer the seller a little more and your self a little more.  For example find a house that is a bit run down that you think needs a bit of work, make an offer for a 12 month lease with optin to buy and a list of work that you intend to do in this time.  This will not only push the house price up to make it easier to sell but will also make it easier to get a loan if you can't sell in your 12 months.

    Just a question where are you looking to buy?

    Good luck bell432

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