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  • believenothing replied to the topic Jamie McIntyre in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hmmm….interesting to see the resident ‘gurus’ voice their opinions once again. It’s almost as if “keenaz” was simply created to feed their never-ending thirst for slander.

    Nat R
    Poor, poor Natalie. “The voice of reason” as she so openly proclaims. 15 years of watching numbers and graphs would send anyone round the twist, so we can’t be too…[Read more]

  • believenothing replied to the topic WORLD DEPRESSION 2006 – 2008 in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago

    Again, let’s put away the crystal balls and do some light research into the matter.

    “I know of no severe depression, in any country or any time, that was not accompanied by a sharp decline in the stock of money, and equally of no sharp decline in the stock of money that was not accompanied by a severe depression.”
    -Milton Friedman, 1976 Nobel…[Read more]

  • believenothing replied to the topic WORLD DEPRESSION 2006 – 2008 in the forum General Property 19 years, 5 months ago

    Interesting to see some discussion on the next depression. But let’s put our crystal balls away for a moment. Does anyone know what causes a depression? For example, let’s look at the depression from 1929. Any thoughts on what caused this rather depressing time in history?

    * Do you believe that it might be caused by a sharemarket crash, because…[Read more]


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