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  • Beck replied to the topic Anyone knows or member of “Cashflow Capital Pty Ltd”? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Hi obediah,Welcome to the website….. I only gave my opinion based on the feeling I had after my interaction with them. If you feel confident go for it and let me know how things turned out. All the best,Happy days,Beck

  • Hi Michael,Your message was sent to my junk mail sorry I have replied with my number f you did not get it let me know and I'll try again.Happy daysBeck

  • Hi every one,Thanks for the great response. I have had lots of contact via email and phone and would love to share the process with all who are interested.please feel free to ask anything and everythingHappy dyas,Beck

  • Hi Michael, Thanks for the swift response, The option is for 1 year but the owner want this Settled before the end of the financial   year i.e end of June 2009. Also worth mentioning that I have allowed them to market the property privately and if they secure a buyer they can sell with out my involvement. Never the less they are not marketing t…[Read more]

  • Beck replied to the topic Lease-Options: How do I do it? in the forum HI EveSydney!
    Welcome to the
    18 years ago

    HI EveSydney!Welcome to the site. I can help! If you like me to help with suggestions and maybe walking you through the process jut shoot me an email with you number and / or email and we can talk.Happy days,Beck

  • Beck replied to the topic Cashflow Capital in the forum HI PAB,
    I don’t get why
    18 years ago

    HI PAB,I don't get why people use buyers agents unless you make lots and lots of money and have very little time I think you can affored to invest some time in doing some home work for  your future. Why are you looking at that web site?Happy days,Beck

  • Beck replied to the topic Sandwich leasing ?? Please explain !!! in the forum Creative Investing 18 years ago

    Hi Kancab,It is essetially vewry simple; you rent  a property (let say for $150per week) form  person A (the owner) with the option to buy it for an agreed price (say $200,000) and then you sublet the same property (for $200p.w) to person B (the purchaser) with an option to buy it at an agreed price (say $250,000).Hope that helps If you would like…[Read more]

  • Beck replied to the topic Advice Please in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Furnz,  Well that is not a simple as just giving you an answer to one or the other.  It will depend….. (of course it will).  If you move into the one of the properties I am sure you know you will lose you tax benefits, this in not a good enough reason to invest in the first place but as you are already in this situation you need to decide what…[Read more]

  • Beck replied to the topic Anyone knows or member of “Cashflow Capital Pty Ltd”? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Loveinvesting,My pleusre. As for what you can do… don't get yourself into the situation in the first palce. DO your own reseach by calling local real estate agent looking up rental in the area. I feel buyers agents are for people who have a high income and don't have the time or desire to look or do there own work. From your name I think you…[Read more]

  • Beck replied to the topic Anyone knows or member of “Cashflow Capital Pty Ltd”? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Loveinvesting, welcom to the site.I have talked to Spiro the director of Cash flow Capital but did not find enough value in my opinion for what they are proposing. If I recall correclty  they charge something like $500 up front and they credit it against their commision which is 2%of the buying price. After looking at what htye have in stick a…[Read more]

  • Beck replied to the topic Making an offer on place not on the market in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    Hi Lisaa,

    Why not get afriend to ask for you?

    Happy Days,


  • Beck replied to the topic Starting out from scratch in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi To all,

    I don’t have a vast portfolio of properties (2 in total) and i have done several wealth creation seminars. I find the seminars great if you have the money to spend but the cheapest way I have found to educate myself is to read book, lot of books, did I mention lots of books. Oh and also join forums like this…… there is a saying…[Read more]

  • Beck replied to the topic Im going nuts!!! Need help in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi blogs,

    I don’t know the area at all so I won’t comment on it.

    What comes up for me from your question is two things:

    1. If you know your area and that is all you can find than maybe you need to wait for what you want.

    2. These days you get paid for solving problems, the bigger the problem the bigger the pay check. So if “they” are rubbish…[Read more]

  • Beck replied to the topic Due Diligence, How much is enough? he!!!p in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi beautiful people,

    Hay Jacque thanks for that site it look great, I have joined & i will check the article ;ater. Cheers,

    Hay mkc what kind of mistakes have you done??? I’m sure we all could learn from them…please share.

    Happy Days,


  • Beck replied to the topic First homeowner grant drama..advice needed in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hay welcome.

    I think the best way to solve it is to just give them a call. they are people just like you and me and probably can give you the best solution… also I recomened communicationg in writting.

    Hope everything turns out for the best back home.

    Many happy days,

    Beck [oneeyed]

  • Beck replied to the topic Due Diligence, How much is enough? he!!!p in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Amanda,


    Thanks for that!!! BIG KISS!!! I was stariting to feel that maybe I was aloan…..

    Thanks again….

    Happy Days,


  • Beck replied to the topic conversion to stata title in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago

    I have been thinking the same… is there anybody out there???

    Happy Days,


  • Beck replied to the topic in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago


    I have talk to Spiro and to a few other sales type people. They are buying agents, located in sydney and they charge 2% of purchas price. that is on top of….
    also they changed recently and now charge you or ask for $500.00 up front…
    Spiroseems to be a nice guy. I myslef prefer to do my own due dilegince…. that way you learn while you…[Read more]

  • Beck replied to the topic how big to start? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I was once told ” the bigger the problem the bigger the paycheck”

    I believe it is so….

    Happy days,


  • Beck replied to the topic IO & Offset or P&I? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi, this is my 1st reply…..

    I would go for IO as well as 100% offset ALSO from my understanding (if some one can confirm that would be great…..) if you want to bite into the loan another way of doing it is paying intrest onley on a weekly basis vs. monthly as the iontrest is calculated daily…. you know the rest.

    Be good, happy days,

