bbasdg replied to the topic property developing and equity in the forum Finance 11 years ago
Shahin: ill be checking with commonwealth bank this week. But based on my calculations 420K on property and 180K to build… ill be in debt big time which is why im contemplating selling
Wilko: my current project as owner builder the bank didnt want a bar of it. Might be different as if I use builder. Wonder how ill go if I do it myself again.
bbasdg replied to the topic property developing and equity in the forum Finance 11 years ago
Im thinking in relation to building a future dwelling and sub divide the next project.
Id need cash to do that
I know the banks dont like financing building costs.
bbasdg replied to the topic please help me determine CGT in the forum Hi Terry, 12 years ago
Hi Terry,
Thank you for your assistance.
So basically, if my I purchased for 200K and now worth 400K. 400K would be my cost base.
Now if I have lived in it for 6 years and rent it out for 1 year then decide to sell or move back in down the track (say rental income is $300 per week over 12 months), how can estimate what my CGT will be (this is…[Read more]
bbasdg replied to the topic Am I better off renting my house, and living in rent? in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
Terryw: very interesting.
So if I purchase a new property and then make it my primary place of resident and then rent it out, and evantually sell up ‘x’ years later, can I then nominate which will be my next primary place of residence in order to avoid CGT?
bbasdg replied to the topic Am I better off renting my house, and living in rent? in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
good point!
do you know of any websites or if there is a basic formula for calculating negative gearing?
bbasdg replied to the topic Am I better off renting my house, and living in rent? in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
I’ve already factored those things which is why ill be staying around coburg.
lease and having to move arent a real concern as i will most likely renting a house of one of my builder mates, however my main question is if it really is worth renting in order to be able to negative gear property?
bbasdg replied to the topic Am I better off renting my house, and living in rent? in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
well my main concern is finding something suitable to live in for my family (wife and child), however at the same time I would like to get into real estate investing and would like to assess all options before committing.
ideally i would like to stay in the Coubrg area (median 650K), however this mortgage will tie me down for a lifetime! so…[Read more]
bbasdg replied to the topic Sub-Divide and Build in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Hi guys,Still looking at purchasing my first project, it’s taken a lot longer than what I intended, as I’ve found the more you wait, the longer you look, the more picky I get! Which I suppose can be a good thing…Anyhow, I know we’re all here to make $$$ from property however my situation is $$$ vs TIME, I’ve been having thoughts of getting…[Read more]
bbasdg replied to the topic Sub-Divide and Build in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Hello again, Anyone know where I can determine how many SQM I require to build a 3BR townhouse? Basically I intend on purchasing property to sub-divide, I just want to be sure I accurately calculate the right SQM. Is it something like 200SQM per 3 BR house? What is the go with car park spaces? And lastly what does the law specify about having pl…[Read more]
bbasdg replied to the topic Sub-Divide and Build in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thanks FDA, looking forward to your email.So are you from a trade background? or is this something you decided to embark on?
bbasdg replied to the topic Sub-Divide and Build in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
FDA,I am based in Victoria.Thank you very much.
bbasdg replied to the topic Sub-Divide and Build in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thanks Saphire101, i'll be sure to look into the linkfda that would be great! please email the details through. i dont mind doing some work myself, however I do have a full time job and time is limited.whats the law on cbm per bedroom/car spaces… or where can I go to get more info.I've been advised that I should consider doing cert 4 bldg and…[Read more]