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  • basbog replied to the topic subdivision in regional sa? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Major builders will charge you more as well, my guess 12k per dwelling on top of normal price, local builder over there will be much higher than normal cbd prices

  • basbog replied to the topic subdivision in regional sa? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Average in Adelaide is 20k, 1 block onto 2, so you will probably pay more for travel expenses etc

  • basbog replied to the topic Is there any growth in Adelaide CBD? in the forum Hi
    Adelaide is flat like a
    13 years ago

    HiAdelaide is flat like a lot of the countryA lot of student acc units are very small and banks do not like that as they are one purpose only, so also slower in capital growthHave you checked management fees etc are generally high If you could afford a 2 bed unit, rent it to students or anyone and have a much broader market when selling, as to o…[Read more]

  • basbog replied to the topic Roxby Downs/ Olympic Dam in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    You can watch a video on the bhp/olympic dam site, it shows how the town will be expanded, mine etc. So basically they are looking a doubling the town sizeBhp have already begun to spend, without the official board approval next march, the main thing they want is it to pass parliament in the next mth and then they will begin to place orders for…[Read more]

  • basbog replied to the topic Roxby Downs/ Olympic Dam in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    I am supprised, when BHP are going to spend 30 billion on an expansion of an existing mine no one seems to be doing the research or asking questions.I understand some out there are not keen on minning areas at all, however this will be the largest open cut mine in the world, I just thought at least people would be talking about it and doing their…[Read more]

  • basbog replied to the topic Rooming House South Australia in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    HiI run this type of accommodation in Adelaide, would rather talk then type, so PM me and happy to help will all your questionsBarry

  • basbog replied to the topic Investing in WA Pilbara region in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hi DadaNo is answering so I thought I would throw my thoughts in.Mining towns, yes its timing, however mining towns are where I have made the largest gains, realised and unrealised.I own a house in Newman and settle on one in Karratha in 2 weeks. Karratha has come back a bit in price since the height of the Gorgan announcement, my reason for…[Read more]

  • basbog replied to the topic Good and Bad experiences with DHA properties.. in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    HiI purchased one in Darwin 9 yrs ago, it was already a DHA when I brought it. The lease had a further 4yrs to run, no problems.The management fees are high, however you have no advertising, re-let fees etc. When lease was finished they repainted/ carpeted etc. In those days the returns were a lot better.I do not see any difference with a DHA…[Read more]

  • basbog replied to the topic Subdivision enquiry – Western suburbs of Adelaide in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago

    HiIf you want some help with getting it underway, PM me and I will contact you to see what needs to be done.Barry

  • basbog replied to the topic Help and advice needed!! in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    HiIf you have equity in your home why not use that to buy an investment property that suits your circumstances and then you will have the buisness, your home and your investment  all growingBarry

  • basbog replied to the topic Investing in ingle farm,SA in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    So if it was worth 350k in 1 yr, thats a 25% increase, thats a big jump on current prices in AdelaideBarry

  • basbog replied to the topic Share Houses and Rooming Houses in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    As far as OS students the ones I have had rarely gone home etc, if they do and want the room still they get 30% off rent if they are away for more than 14 days, I have had international students for more than 3 yrs stay. I advertise on under share acc, 50 per mth, if I have a room at the start of the year I will put it on the Uni sites.The…[Read more]

  • basbog replied to the topic Share Houses and Rooming Houses in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    HiI run share houses in Adelaide so, make sure you have included all costs in your figures, electricity, internet, water, cleaning  etc. They take more time than the normal rental house as you have 5 tenants not one. If you use a insurance broker make sure they talk to the insurance company, not just tick boxes online, as most will not insure…[Read more]

  • HiI currently hold property in Roxby and have made very good returns and gains out of the town, sold 1. South Australia does not know what is coming when the mine expansion happens, it will be hugh and on par with a lot of the Pilbara sitesThese areas are all about timing, at the moment Roxby prices are 50-75k down from there peak so there is…[Read more]

  • basbog replied to the topic Selling property by owner websites in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    You can advertise on through this company based in Adelaide,$275 for 3 mthsBarry

  • basbog replied to the topic Need Rooming house Insurance – Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    HiI run student accomodation, I had problems with insurance too, ring Ross @ TCB 08 8376 2299 he found a company for me.Is yours student acc, or boarding house as I think this makes a differenceBarry

  • basbog replied to the topic Is the time right to buy in Darwin in the forum Hi
    Darwin has gone up150% in
    15 years ago

    HiDarwin has gone up150% in the last 7 yrs and now appears to be slowing. If you brought there it would be very negative geared so as long as that is your strategy. The positive for now is rental demand is still very strong.To give you an idea I brought in Fairway Waters in Palmerston in DEC 2002 for 227,000, now 550,000, so does it have more…[Read more]

  • basbog replied to the topic PURCHASING INVESTMENT PROPERTIES IN MINING TOWNS?? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    HiI own property in both these towns and totally agree its all timing. The returns in Newman are fantastic, the entry price is a lot higher. If you become serious on Newman there are a couple of streets you should not buy in, so either go there to understand or ask me more.Blackwater, Morranbha, Dysart etc are all about timing as well, better…[Read more]

  • basbog replied to the topic What’s up with Darwin in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    I brought in Darwin 02, paid 227k, now 550k, rent is 550p/w, it was great then however has its growth peaked, who knowsYields are not what they use to be as capital growth has outstripped rental growth.Now it finding another opportunityHave funBarry

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