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  • BarniBoy replied to the topic Sell to move on from a loss in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Well, your definitely not alone in this situation… my partner and I brought our first house 2 years ago and have since split up. The place is in Sydney and as you can guess prices haven’t risen since we got it, but I like to think in our area they haven’t dropped too much either. The property we brought as a home, not an investment, s…[Read more]

  • BarniBoy replied to the topic Agent or no agent? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Hi All,

    Thanks for the comments, I think I will look into canning the agent as I have spoken with them about the service they offer without success, then I was passed on to another person after the first left the company and it still hasn’t improved things at all… I think it might be a company culture issue rather than just a slack single a…[Read more]


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