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  • banked replied to the topic Offers before Auction in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    This is interesting LA Aussie….
    I noticed last night that the agent has increased the adverstised (+) price by $20,000. Seems to me that they’re just after some hype around the property, they’ve advertised it for a low price, got people interested and want a bidding war at auction. Surely this can’t be legal?
    I was thinking about dropping a note…[Read more]

  • banked replied to the topic Offers before Auction in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    The agent is now stalling with the section 32 which adds to the thought that he’s just trying to get the house to auction. Does anyone know how long the section 32s usually take to prepare? I understand that it would vary a lot, but is there an average time?

    Thanks guys.

  • banked replied to the topic Offers before Auction in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Thanks dacium,
    The auction is mid next month so maybe the vendors are already committed. I will still take the suggestion of trying to deal with the vendors directly then try your suggestion on advising the agent that I’ll be making a generous offer if the house is not passed in.
    Why do agents make things so difficult? I’m willing to pay a fair…[Read more]

  • banked replied to the topic Offers before Auction in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Great idea guys…thanks. Hopefully I’ll be getting the section 32 this week and I’ll be trying what you’ve suggested.
