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  • BandR replied to the topic whats the best net return you have got from a property recently in the forum Creative Investing 15 years, 12 months ago

    Qlds007 wrote:
    Band RDont want to appear negative but i think your figures are a little out there.Firstly the Stamp Duty on the property when you purchased it would have been around $8000. If you financed the deal you could have added another $3000. If the property only had a BA then the title, surveying and Dept of Nat Resources fees let alone…[Read more]

  • Bought a duplex block with B.A approval for $299,000 on the Goldcoast in July, found a local builder who built the duplex for $350,000.holding cost plus other bits an piece came to just under $50,000 Just sold bought of them and  got $399,000 and $395,000.  so made $95,000 for just under 5months investment

  • BandR replied to the topic Bowen Basin QLD Mining Towns – Opinion on offer in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Clones I wouldn't be wiping off all the mines just yet, yes the price of commodities have dropped, but the cost to mining companies to run there mines have also drop as they get paid in USD for there product and they pay there contractors and employees in AUD  and the AUD has drop by 40% the last couple of months. China and India are still in n…[Read more]


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