You really have to do the sums on each individual case. As long as it’s cashflow positive it’s OK by me.
Make sure you take into account any possible fluctuation in your outgoings. Remember, the tenant won’t pay extra rent, but the electrics might break, the lease ends, interest rates rise etc.
So long as you’ve got a built-in safety factor…[Read more]
One BIG error in your calculations. []
You have to divide the weekly rent by 2 prior to multiplying by 1000.
$351 per week / 2 = $175
$175 x 1000 = $175,000
Doesn’t actually fit 11 second solution. [] But don’t automatically write it off. Look at other options. Also remember, that the calculations are on the price the vendor wants…[Read more]
So true wayneL.
I had that in my initial post, but somehow deleted it[]
I’m sure overseas investing isn’t as simplistic as it might initially sound. Although I’d be happy to be proven wrong…. might even encourage me to get involved.[]
Investing overseas is certainly an attractive option, especially with the difficulty in finding quality positive cashflow properties. There must be plenty of issues that you HAVE to be aware of though. For example, Argentina is not just in a property recession, the whole country is in chaos…. Also, Argentina is reknowned for it’s volatile…[Read more]
Do you have any idea of WHERE in Brisbane your friend has found positive cashflow…. None of the properties I have looked at have come anywhere near it. Being a Brisbane-boy myself I’m very curious[?]
I have seen some Commercial Property which easily accounts for the 11 second solution. Another great aspect to Commercial Property, as Steve describes in his book, is that the outgoings are frequently paid for by the tenant.[]
Unfortunately, I’m still too poor in absolute terms to afford the deposit. Most of the truly lucrative deals (i.e. 30%+…[Read more]
Great going poor student…… I actually bought my first property whilst a full-time student with the help of my parents. If they can help you or co-sign the mortgage you could certainly jump into the market.
By the way, GREAT job with finding the properties in the first place. It’s getting harder and harder….. I’ve been looking solidly for…[Read more]
Fantastic effort from the Brissie boys!! I was lucky enough to watch the game this afternoon with a group of mates and a wonderful NEC Projector (3.5m picture).