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  • Balliez replied to the topic Properties in small towns in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Nice job Marisa. You got a good deal because you did something different.

    As Steve said, Opportunities don’t just come around, they are made by people. Don’t expect to go out to the market place and find a nice house in the some nice little town for under $100k. You have to work the sellers. Think about how you can get that price down. Like the…[Read more]

  • Balliez replied to the topic Profitable Business Concepts? Anyone? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Whats great about that Derek, is that i have neither of those two items (credit card, cheque book) [thumbsupanim] how ever notes is a must, and i will get back to you with the information, just incase anyone esle whiches to attend.

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to be fed off of…

  • Balliez replied to the topic Profitable Business Concepts? Anyone? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Thanks Guys, I’ll see what happens on next thursday night, and what they have to say, and prices…

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to be fed off of…

  • Balliez replied to the topic Petrol Stations??? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hey Guys,
    As I work at a Petrol Station atm as a casual job i can tell you, if your buying it thinking your going to get some money out of fuel..well your most others have been saying selling Pies and coke is the way to go..also having to manage a bussiness that is going to be robbed weekly and maybe 24/7 (if that is your trading hours)…[Read more]

  • Balliez replied to the topic Just looking for a beginning… in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hey man,
    As with you i am also young, and just starting out. What you need to get your mind around is as Steve states in his book ‘$50 a week doesn’t sound like much but when you have 130 propertys thats $6500per/week’ and now thats heaps. If your getting an extra $2 per week it means thats $2 that you don’t have to work for. I’d like to stay in…[Read more]

  • Balliez replied to the topic Sharing resources in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Sounds like a good book. I like the sounds of the whole collective bargining power. Means that people that are trying to save for a deposit can chip in a little and get a better return on the money than sticking it in the bank! :D

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to be fed off of…

  • Balliez replied to the topic 0 to 130 properties book $20 at Myer Sydney in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    Personally….Christmas Sales! is still in my mind…yes i bought it at myer with the 33% off there top books and then i got more off because of the christmas sales (carn’t remember how much) and ended up paying something like $17!, best thing i have bought under $20![exhappy]

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to…[Read more]

  • Balliez replied to the topic Carrots 4 Investors in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Just think, in a few years time, all states may have followed NSW’s lead…then people like me, who are still in school are going to have little if any chance of making decent profits with capitail gains….

    Going to have to find lots of CF+ properties then [thumbsupanim]

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to be…[Read more]

  • Balliez replied to the topic Financial Year Looming in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I am looking for to getting some money back from the govt :D

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to be fed off of…

  • Balliez replied to the topic Positively geared property in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Originally posted by Jaradnkaren:
    which is apparently a very good return

    Just wondering where you go this information?

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to be fed off of…

  • Balliez replied to the topic Town Population? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Also ask about how many people in the town are renting at the present time, if no one is renting then no point buying there to rent if no one is going to rent it, as steeve said in his books that is why he chose the town (carn’t remember the name) where he bought his first IP!

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to…[Read more]

  • Balliez replied to the topic Kiyosaki Seminar in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    where can i find out if he is doing any around my area (Qld) that is…?

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to be fed off of…

  • Balliez replied to the topic What Have You Learned in the Last 24 Hours? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I have leanrt that find books on investing the brisbane city libraries is harder than i sounds , because everyone has the same idea as me and wants to learn about investing…

    ahh store here i come [thumbsup2]

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong enough to be fed off of…

  • Balliez replied to the topic How Long to Retire? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanks guys, i’ll get reading…

    The main reason why i am now intrested in investing is because of the book ” Rich dad, Poor Dad’ my dad gave the book to me when i was 14 and even though i didn’t get all the ideas he was expressing at the time, i got the main idea of what he was saying, after that i have also read ” 0 to 130 Properties”, but as…[Read more]

  • Balliez replied to the topic How Long to Retire? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hate to tell you guys but right now i don’t have 50K to invest. But what i am trying to get now is an idea of what to expect once i need to start investing, just checking out house prices and asking people if they think they are good deals or not, what i would like to do sometime is to get an investor and just see why they do and don’t buy houses…[Read more]

  • Balliez replied to the topic Rental Prices in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Ok, thank of the advice, time to get moving then

    Lyas Balliez

    PS Does anyone know where Tiwoil is…i was having a look at houses online and there are some good priced ones out there, just the site said it was “West Brisbane” But its not in the Street Directory..must be FAR west..Lyas

    The weak will feed off of the strong until they are strong…[Read more]

  • Balliez replied to the topic newbie investor needs advice in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Hey All,
    I also have just finished reading the book for a 2nd time (now have pleanty of questions to asl). I am also short of cash and was very intrested in the idea of selling deals to investors. The forum rules state that i am not allow to advertise on the forum, am i allow how ever to state that i have a deal and am willing to sell it and for…[Read more]
