baharom replied to the topic How to structure the pay out of mums house? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 2 months ago
Thanks Terry & Margaret,
Would the full stamp duty apply, or just the pro-rata portion? Say 60k/300k = 20%, therefore only 20% of the regular full sale transaction stamp duty applies by placing 3 additional names on the title (mum = 80%, child1 = 6.67%, child2 = 6.67%, child3 = 6.67%) ? Wishful thinking?
Secondly, the agreement idea sounds…[Read more]
baharom replied to the topic New Zealand in the forum No Subject 18 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for taking the time to put such a rich reply together DLPP.
I really appreciate it, and will press ahead, one step at a time!
My best to you, Andrew.