babyflynn81 replied to the topic No deposit, no hope?? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 11 months ago
Wow – learnt something new today!
Sounds like a few investors do the 90% +15% personal loan scenario. I'll consider that for the next one.
Thanks Richard.
babyflynn81 replied to the topic Fire damaged property in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 12 months ago
Thanks Richard.
Which are the banks that don't do valuations?
babyflynn81 replied to the topic Fire damaged property in the forum Value Adding 11 years ago
Hi Richard,
I saw an interesting property that was in the middle of renovation and looks like a fire has gone through parts of the house (that the insurance company had then repaired) but then the owners decided to sell half reno'd.
I would think the same thinking would apply or would this be viewed differently?
P.S. Merry Christmas to…[Read more]
babyflynn81 replied to the topic Water rates in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago
Double check this one as I just purchased a villa in a strata block of 3 and I have just been advised that because hey are not seperately metered, that I can't pass on the usage costs. Last bill was over $200.
Thinking of looking into whether this is a strata issue?