az_alwayz replied to the topic Best 1st IP finance structure in the forum Hi Zizzuu,My wife and I are 17 years, 1 month ago
Hi Zizzuu,My wife and I are currently in a similar situation so the following may help: We are just going through the process of purchasing our first IP at the moment with our home prob worth upto 400k (but hasn't been revalued yet). We have an IO loan but as a line of credit (portfolio with St.George) with a current balance around 225k. I…[Read more]
az_alwayz replied to the topic Mortgage watchdog software ? in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi again!
Done a bit of searching and didn’t come up with much either in regards to reviews. The guarantee is for a loan with at least four years history which won’t help me yet! And there’s a couple of trial downloads you can try but they don’t let you do much.
Cyaaz_alwayz replied to the topic Mortgage watchdog software ? in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi Rexilla,
I dont keep up with this site as much as i’d like to and unfortunately I can’t really help you with your query. I am however in the same position! I have come across the mortgage watchdog site a couple of times already and have forgotten about it shortly after each time. My wife and I have only nearly had our offset loan for a year but…[Read more]