Unfortunately I am at work now so carnt remember the other books I have read re: trusts.
I have surfed a few web sites and info links etc from books and resources.
The structure I refer to is the company > trust structure, I know it is basic, from what I have read from his book and other resources, appears to be beneficial.
I guess they carnt explain the exact or specific structures in detail, because it is dependant on individual circumstances.
Maybe and idea hold onto the first property and use the equity to fund the second , maybe the security will assist with your next loan.
But again depends on your personal situation and where you want to go.
Will the property be +geared? Imagine that, a cashflow, not too mention depreciation of certain fittings & fixtures you have just slaved for. Oh and by holding I guess you would also slash the CGT on the profit too.
Maybe get a good accountant and finacial planner in Tassie, not a devil either.
Personally for a quick start invest in self education re: property investing & structure.
I can see your eagerness, but (sorry to be a downer) if you leap in without the right knowledge & research, your investing carer may be short lived or with wrong investing serverely hampered.
Sorry again to be a wet blanket, but research and know what you are looking for. Once you have indentified the area you wish to hone in on then research it thoroughly. What might work for your brother might not work for you.
Personally I havent looked at spec homes because generally the infrastructure isnt there, i.e railway stations proximity etc.
However these may come in time, it really depends on your investing goals and current situation etc.
The advantage would be the high depreciation of fixture & fittings etc, but this should not be your whole and soul reason for purchasing.
It could also be peace of mind too purchasing relatively new, i.e chances of hot water system breaking down and other items, would be minimal, bit of hassel free travel.
I am currently reading the same book now, I have just finished Ed’s book Re: structure / trusts etc, which I had no idea existed before I joined this forum. ( acutally did read it in Steve’s book. )
Both books are fantastic reading, coming from a person that hates reading ( rather be fishing).
As they say the guys no the biz, and quote take you through step-by-step.
I would personally neg a fixed fee, try and observe their talent, to you feel comfortable / compentent to take on the neg world