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  • Instead of seachange, greenchange or even hillchange maybe the next big thing will be ‘no change’


    No change 1 – as in cheaper to stay put and get a reverse mortgage

    No change 2 – as in market drops, interest rates rise and i dont have ‘no change’ to buy my cafe latte!!

    if you consider seachanging interestingly there are huge savings to be had just by living on the outskirts of the coastal town. ie if you want right on the beach you will pay twice as much as a house with a rural outlook. not bad when you consider you are still only a 5 minute drive from the sand and surf….

    michael – you sound like a great bloke – you come across as earnest and as someone who really wants to do the best by others. admirable stuff. i guess the point i was making is that unlike yourself i dont have as many answers. i still have trouble tying my shoelaces…

    im not sure many people can live as easily in the two worlds as you propose, but maybe your onto something. btw our backgrounds and circumstances sound very similar so i can empathise where yr coming from – i just cant rationalise as easy as you…..thats why i have premature grey hair!!

    thats it – im gonna organise a polo game for charity. all the polo players will be wearing hemp shirts, will not be able to use whips (animal curelty), and the field will be chosen as long as there has been no clear felling!

    all champaign with be organically produced and the cheese will have no artifical additives.

    we might even let the poor people in at the end of the match to help clean up all the waste (recyclable, non recyclable)

    tally ho!!

    you guys !! – im surprised…

    i think ill sign you up for the readers digest sweepstakes – i hear its fantastic..

    marc – regarding the pleasure of driving a nice car. isnt funny how we convince ourselves that something as innane as driving a machine can be pleasurable. how people have survived for thousands of years without the PLEASURE of driving a lotus is beyond me!!

    my point is – the pleasure is in your mind. its a status issue again and the pleasure comes from feeling superior, knowing that you are part of an exclusive group. i think this is dangerous. this way of thinking is high on your agenda and you dont even know it. its alot more honest and truthful to find pleasure in those things that are universal and non discriminatory……

    we rationalise heaps of denagerous stuff..

    if the rich were eating dirt – you would be surprised how many people would find it pleasurable….(why is abalone 50 x more expensive than mushrooms?? why is abalone more expensive than a capriciosa pizza??) its becasue abalone is expensive that its become the domain of asias rich. cause it shore dont taste any better!!!! ridiculous stuff!!!

    another example – if your bedroom in your house was tiny i bet you would want a larger bedroom. yet this same size bedroom was on a luxury yacht -you would find the living conditions absolutely brilliant….sleep like a baby.

    all about understanding yourself and what drives you. sorting the wheat from the chaffe..

    marc – feel free to knock on my door if you need help in finding your warm, fuzzy side. c’mon whats your vice….too much ice cream, secretly like watching bay watch???


    i liked the comparison to companies (ceo’s middle managers etc). i knew most large companies are psychotic but fascist aswell…..probably from the same tree!!!

    like most things in life we (humans) dont have enough self awareness to know what we are doing!! and those who do are often labelled radicals and troublemakers….

    embrace difference, embrace change and above all have compassion, !!!

    lets clear something up right now!! i dont drive a BMW!! it was a turn of phrase to support an arguement…whew!! now thats clear my car is 14 years old and yes marc it might not make rational or even economic sense. the choice is a token one, a symbol of being uncomfortable with my middle class status….

    guilt maybe a too stronger word. how about feeling ‘uncomfortable’…….

    i think this is a healthy state, as it is a natural defence against being humanitarianly complacent..

    a bit like having a tattoo to reming yourself that you were once young and wild!! (not that i think you have a tattoo!!)

    i do admire people who fight for a cause. thats why i do admire the thought of Che Guevera, even though some of his methods and some of his ideaology i dont follow……..although i do have one of his t-shirts. last time i wore it was to a REM concert!!

    ps – michael im impressed. like wayne i was a little confused but i think your ready to be signed up by ‘socialists anonomyous’ or ‘confused capitalists with a cause’. ill send you the forms!!! hehe

    michael – i agree with alot of what you said in your last point. i would also add that i think a main difference between right and left is an intellectual one.

    you will find most of the world great minds, philosophers, poets etc have a real left bent. and thats because “humanity’ rather than ‘self promotion’ makes more sense intellectually. How could it not?? what kind of beast could not feel some guilt driving a BMW when half the world is starving…..i live with it every day.

    unfortunatly what happens is self promotion, slef preservation seem to win out much of the time and that is the curse of us humans. thats why we consume too much, borrow too much, envy others etc etc….

    nothing new here just another bit of lefty pseudo intellectualism!!

    Che Guevera eh??? wasnt he a doctor from an upper middle class family???

    wayne – yes i think george wya might just be the person marc is refering to.

    Marc – dont fight it!! let it happen. nothing is new under the sun!!

    g’day moose – why didnt you hang around and then leave after you received your payment.

    nevertheless – depending on your contract, you should still get your bonus if you have reached all the criteria for which a bonus is given. Do you have KPI’s and have you achieved them – and is the bonus written into the contract?? if so then you should go see your lawyer….

    nice website jo!

    holiday rentals. yes there are numerous practicalities you need to take into account in order to turn a buck. check out the novemeber issue of api magazine whcih deals with this in detail

    this is what i do

    – i self manage
    – i do letter drop around the area i live – about 1,000 handed out in novemebr.
    – i put up signs at my wifes work and at the local hospital general notice board (big hospital)
    – word of mouth (spread the word)

    – sofar great success. people come past and pick up the keys on the way down and drop off the keys on the way back. we encourage them to visit again. they take down there own linen etc etc

    – currently doing a website whivch will have photos, email address etc.
    – have a list of tradesman/housecleaners etc fromt he area.

    i have friends who have used the same process for 10 years for there holiday house on the surf coast. last year they 26 weeks occupied which is huge…returned 20 pct

    if you have any questions let me know

    ps – local realestae agents dont really cut it. why would they push your place when they have 200 others they need to push. spometime y’ll find they own 3 or 4 themselves – and guess which ones have the best occupancy??


    michael – i didnt even notice. yes i guess the post was perfect – all class and heaps of substance. hehe..

    1000 posts – wow. do i get some embosted golf balls or something?

    bec – great story and congratulations btw. ours was pretty special also. i asked my wife while we were sitting on public transport (a bus!!). long story but needless to say i got full marks for being such a romantic. i said i could have done it while we parachute, skydive, rock climb etc but she wld have thought i was a tosser …so i didnt.

    i always say with everything in life ‘if you start with low expectations you will never be disappointed’! i remind my wife of that mindset everytime she wants to lop me!! which is often!


    jack – your easter bunny thing is fantastic – very witty. keep up the great work…..

    interesting stuff…

    wayne – too true. i also think the more we think we know the more we realise we know very little. if that makes sense.

    loanwolf – you have described perfectly various organisations ive worked for. they can be horrible places to function normally..

    i reckon you are too hard on yrself also..

    we all have strengths and weaknesses. its about doing things, finding a job etc that shows off your strenghts rather than shows off your weaknesses.

    in some parts of my life i am lazy – so i take measure to avoid this being a problem. i hate tasks – im more big picture person – so the wife hates it that the lawn only gets mowed when she nags me. so now i get jims mowing to do it and at the same time i dont get this negative feedback about my personality (every month or so).


    Michael – unfortunatley my company means the company i work for LOL. have bonus time coming up (chinese new year)…which is pretty generous. my job is salary based but the bonus’s are good in the GOOD years..

    Wes – the economists i listen to are industry econmists. those more specialised in certain trades. i always find that the best mixture is an economist who is also a trader or has daily access to traders. the market doesnt always make sense (economic reason) and has has alot to do with sentiment and other fluffy things which traders are better at guaging. i agree they are hard to find….especially in realestae which is an imperfect market (more than most)

    ps – i am both an economist (by education) and a trader (by vocation)…

    wes – like it or not economists are a part of life and dismissing them totally is ridiculous. what yr saying is true – no one can say what the future holds for sure but you can have a bloody good guess. ive made (for my company) over 10 million usd profit this on the back of what economists have been telling me (commodity market). sometime its a matter of knowing which economists to listen too….

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