If you want a good agent email me at aweraksa@optusnet.com.au and ill see what i can do for you as i know about a lot of agents and the success they have had.
If your properties are out west still give Mcgrath a call and ask them if they specialise in the area because they have an agency in Cronulla so it should be okay.
my name is Adam, i live in sydney and i am 18, I would love to come meet and i have been at versace before. although i think you wont take me seriously hehe. When i come up i will email you within the next few weeks.
Have you heard of Peter Spann? Very good property investor and educator
I like buy and hold as well. Try buy properties that need cosmetic renovations and then do them up with little money and paint walls, put feature wall, reglaze bathroom and then re-value and draw down added equity as new deposit
i would say about 10-15k if your doing it to make a profit. That means a lot of shopping around and bargaining. I would buy it for the fact of the capital gain, that is a good deal.
Definitly! This looks like a great opportunity to make some serious money and then once you buy a few dont stop, just keep buying, unless you are happy with what you have!
I am not sure about the banks on this one, but i would call a broker or lender and find out for sure. As for the boot camp i havent heard of him before, let me know how it goes
I will keep posting more and i will keep you updated on how everything is going. Im sure we are all going to be rich! Just dont let anyone steal your dreams!
Im off to read the book AUSSIE JOHN by John Symond, another Rags to riches story.
excellent, sounds good, I am on my way for the deposit and i want to start buying asap. I am currently reading John Symonds new book too, he really made Aussie out of nothing but pure work!