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  • AshMason replied to the topic Ice Caps melt by 2015!.. Will your town flood? in the forum General Property 18 years, 2 months ago

    I prefer the theory where the polar caps melting and subsequent increase in fresh water stops the warm salt water based ocean currents that flow from the equator towards the poles, and all that heat that gets transferred north, resulting in europe freezing up and mini ice-age…
    Then maybe there’ll be mass migration to australia and bigger demand…[Read more]

  • AshMason replied to the topic Perth – where to invest? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi everyone,
    I’m with outbackgems on this one… Bought my first home in High Wycombe 2 yrs ago (6/03) for 135k.. now worth over 200k. I’m now thinking the best suburbs to invest in are the cheap ones with planned infrastructure, as close to Perth as possible. First home buyers will be chasing anything under 250k, so average 3×1’s around 200k have…[Read more]


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