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  • Sounds like its the first time you’re building, I’d say add another 15% from the fixed price. Make sure you crunch the numbers properly. I haven’t been able to find a buy land and build with +’ve cash flow anywhere in Oz. Perhaps I’m not teaming up with the right builders or buying the wrong pieces of dirt. I had achieve positive gearing (vs cash flow) results a couple of years back but with the soaring land and building costs, this has really thrown the margins and rent returns out. I find its a catch 22 really – regionals have cheap land but expensive build costs and in the city, cheaper build costs but exhorbitant land prices. And don’t forget land is cheap in the country for a reason – theres heaps of it. Don’t forget the old adage about land appreciating and building depreciating. Find the right balance and good luck!

    You can find all the learning material that you need at If you search warrant issuers you will find a few of the bank’s websites that will have various education material and PDS’ too. Send them an email and ask them to send out whatever they have on warrants, options, structured products..etc.. and start from there. Good luck.

    But word of caution: its very easy to make money in a bullish market. Don’t be fooled by professionals saying using fancy derivatives allows you to make money in both directions – thats cos they are in it ripping the margins off the little battler. Finance professionals are not paid the big bucks for nothing. Remember, its eventually a zero sum game and information is key. Do you have it?

    I would for $10K or even for $1. Granted someone could add to the paper thereafter but I’d be able to argue subsequently that I had no intention to give away or do whatever those additions purported to do. What is a signature? It is only one small element of forming a binding contract? And if all other elements are not present at the time of my signature, I’m not worried. So hand it over!

    @$285k each with expected $350pw each rent

    Impressive returns. Are these regionals or cities? You could probably still get such returns in regionals but the gap is narrowing however I’d be cautious if someone offered you those returns off the bat in the cities which is where the growth will begin in the next cycle. You ask yourself, why would someone sell you a property with 6.4% return when the averages are around 3-4% in the cities. Thats not to say its not achievable through adding value/rooms, quick reno job…etc.. Good luck with the research.

    Isn’t it interesting that all these big boys play in a completely different league? $5 Billion leaving annually is massive. These guys must all have a quiet giggle at our 3x1s and reno jobs… Anyone have big brother who would let me into their playground..? :)

    Someone sent me some info on a positive cash flow deal even before depreciations. If you want more info, PM me and I’ll send you his contact details so you can do your own research and due diligence. Note I’m not getting any kick backs from this. I’m not really into positive cash flow deals unless its commercial or industrial but thought someone chasing +’ve CF could be interested in these type of deals. Capital growth all the way! Oops, am in the wrong forum to be suggesting that. Silly me… :)

    We all have to start somewhere mate. Guys in Capricorn (lucky devils) have got on at ground level, banking on this WA market continuing to do well in the next couple of years so when it comes time to settle next year, land will already be worth what they paid for + profits. Decision is yours whether you want to take that risk like purchasing OTP. However note that these guys are NOT first time investors so they must have all done their due diligence. If I lived in Perth, would’ve driven up there to reserve one too but you have to weigh it up yourself: building costs would be higher this time next year plus another 6-8 months to build or maybe longer with no rent to support and if the WA market stalls in 07, you will be left with very little equity to make up for it. The Capricorn development is unique in that the developers won’t allow you to flip the block so investors will have to be in it till house is built.

    From what GMH454 is saying, the stalling could easily occur in WA too. Thise who have made $ are those who got in early and took a punt on the estate doing well in future. Most of these older estates have been around for a few years but it wasn’t until the last couple of years that prices have gone crazy as land becomes scarce.

    So in answering your question of what the risks are – at this current cycle, plentiful. Land is getting very expensive and so are building costs. Rents will barely cover your holding costs even after depreciation benefits. So you want this market to keep powering along if you were to take on a H&L project. Research the estate as theres no shortage of land in WA. At the end of the day, you’ll just have to take a punt like the rest of us. Good luck.

    The free stamp duty in NSW for under $500K is a lot of money to forego. $18K to be precise. If you are in the highest MTR, its about $37K pre-tax you need to earn. Can you make a quick $18K in this environment in Oz? If so, then the decision has been made for you. Like Simon said, if you never move into your IP, you will always have that benefot of FHOG. Then again, when will the govt pull the plug on that? It won’t be around forever. Advice is buy something in NSW, bite the bullet, move into it for 6 mths to comply, do the renos, then move out if rents still cheaper and continue with IP investment. In my mind, $18K you get from the govt is $36K you don’t have to earn! Plus you get $7K for FHOGs. The rest of Oz is fairly well priced now in terms of property. The markets not screaming out “bargains” everywhere.

    Hi Simon and Mal,

    Are you guys sure that interest on interest is not deductible? I asked a friend who works in tax and she sent me this exerpt from her email.

    The Commissioner’s view is that:
    “Interest on a new loan will be deductible if the new loan is used to repay an existing loan which, at the time of the second borrowing, was being used in an assessable income producing activity or used in a business activity which is directed to the production of assessable income”.

    To me, that means interest on interest is deductible and to stretch the interpretation further, even the capital component. We currently have a structured investment product out there which is sold on this basis (which have had partner sign-off from one of the largest law firms in Oz) so I can’t see why the same logic can’t be applied to IP loans.

    Has the ATO made a specific determination that interest on interest for IP loans specifically are not deductible?

    Curious to find out cos am just about to start sorting out my finances in setting up a few different savings and investment accounts in the New Year. Thanks guys.


    Hi Shwing,

    That sounds like a fantastic idea. Never thought of that. I’m pretty sure interest on interest is tax-deductible but not interest on principal repayments. I have to check with my tax experts. I have been struggling with that idea too – how to extract equity out of my IPs and use them to buy a PPOR without selling the IPs (triggering unnecessary agent fees and taxes). The other strategy was to buy and live in a trust owned property but ATO is all over that one. I couldn’t see any other way around it. But with your way, I can have all the rents pay down the PPOR mortgage and steadily increase the good debt on the IPs or use LOC. Does this mean on a $1M loan across a few properties at an average interest rate of say 6.75%, I can increase my LOC by $67,500 per year and reduce my PPOR debt by all the rents I receive from my IPs? Loan will probably be more if you add in b/c fees, rates, PM fees..etc.. Best news this month!


    Can anyone help Apostle and I out? How is it different to just a call option? Many thanks gurus!

    Double ouch!

    Only declare something as a business if you’re planning to lose money so losses become deductible against other income income, else we are all small time investors….

    Hi Paul, May I ask which seminar you attended recently and how much that cost you? From the sounds of it, you probably got all your moneys worth.. and then some.

    Positive cash flow is getting very hard to come by. Most pundits advertise only new properties with ambitious rents and nearly $7-10K worth of depreciation deductions on the highest MTR only to get it to a neutral CF position. And from 06, the highest MTR threshold will move to $125K, which is about 2.5x national av. salary so doesn’t make these deals very attractive at all.

    Might need to look at blocks of units or commercials to get your +ve CF. Then again, these do require a lot of capital hence +CF should be a given with these investments.

    Must be one cashed up super fund! They have to be careful re sole purpose test too as the trustee can’t be deemed to be into property development with fund assets. ie. can’t build homes and then flick em as it may be seen as carrying on a business. I find it hard to prove that if you buy up a few blocks in Seascapes that you are not carrying on a business of property development through a super fund. Good luck to em if they can get away with it – CGT only at 10% but when you take into account the unleveraged assets, returns are not that spectacular (IMO anyway).

    Unfortunately rules are made to be broken. It will be naive of us to believe that the agents would not get on to a deal themselves if they thought was a good buy. I’m interested to find the statistics on how many agents get prosecuted for perpertrating this. I read somewhere that agents are in the best position to get the scoop on a property. Perhaps a similar analogy would be insider trading with shares. Theres really only been a handful of insider trading cases that has been successfully prosecuted and this stuff happens EVERY DAY in the market. They make all insider trading cases high profile for a reason. It is very difficult to prove and this coming from a govt that has made a very concerted effort to clean up the securities industry. The mas and pas will just have to take a second fiddle even though they are investing 10 times more of their wealth in property than shares.

    Since we’re updating – Content has just informed me that Busso is ready for 1st inspection next week with handover by end Nov. So process hasn’t been too bad. Locked in price early Oct 04. Slab laid May. Now I just have to go over it with a fine tooth comb to make sure its not going to fall apart. Celeb in Australind a little slower with build time but quick on paperwork. Signed up in Mar, slab in July, lock up now and completion hopefully before X’mas. Looks like its a lot better down there than Perth.

    Perth in 2007? Better get something now before it goes another 20%. As most of the WA forumites well know, anything would be better than nothing right now. Theres been a heap of discussion on this & other forum re WA. And you’ve obviously seen the plethora of brokers than can assist in finance. Good luck!

    Hey Westan, Whereabouts in Central America are you looking? Mexico, Belize, Guat, Honduras? I was backpacking through there last year and boy was it tempting – yields and prices looked great too but I don’t have my network set-up over there so the remote control element was going to be a real challenge for me. But for the past year, I’ve been an advocate of investing in US denominated assets. Especially when the Aussie was at 80. Its now 73 and only more downside IMO. If only I was cashed up. Bugger!

    Hey Flatout, good work re Mandurah. If the experts are right, looks like its set for another run. All the analysts are definitely bullish the Rocky – Mandurah area. But the prices are starting to match those of Brissy so I think further upside will probably be in the single digits. ie. no longer undervalued. But returns over the next couple of yrs will still be better than out East. I don’t think building in the SW is a lucrative option for investors anymore. Building costs are 10%-15% more expensive down there and have also increased over 30% in the last 12 months. But you may see same prices down there as Mandurah if this freeway finally gets funded. The other plus is I find rents in SW are about 20% more than Perth for equivalent homes.

    Anyone checked the websites recently for all Perth and WA suburbs thats been mentioned in this very informative post? I have never seen so many properties listed U/C! A bit of Deja Vu to when I was looking in Brissy and SE Qld a couple of years ago…. Surely investors can’t be purchasing these properties yielding around the 4% mark? Any comments from recent purchasers?

    But WA is certainly the talk of the nation at the moment when it comes to resi IPs. Maybe thats it – the herds in, time to bail…? Noticed in the Fin today that Lomas thinks that the horse has already bolted in Bunbury. Bugger! Was hoping to flick an IP to one of them herds…

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