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Hi guys, Theres not much enlightening there. My friend simply took advantage of the PPOR CGT exemption 3x over. You need to be careful you don’t do it too often as the ATO could easily deem you to be in the business of developing then not only do you not get the PPOR CGT exemption, you don’t get the 50% discount either plus you will have to pay GST on any sales. He was lucky – Syd Nthn Beaches went through an almighty boom from 1997 to 2004. He then replicated the same strategy at a seachange location and have since put the new PPOR back on the market. Such a strategy obviously works during a boom. I’m sure there are plenty of examples of it NOT working simply because the transaction and holding costs are so high. Historically, the risk of overcapitalising is high with Oz properties. Its just that the recent housing boom has masked the true value of many renos.
To Maximum, whether you rent out your current PPOR will depend on a few things. Once you rent it out, you can’t claim another PPOR otherwise you will lose the CGT exemption. Will you be able to obtain a $300 a week rental for your new abode which you’ll be happy to live in? (as this is how much your mortgage repayments are so its dead money anyway). You can then set up a separate LOC for deposits with any new purchases. You can probably afford a couple of -‘ve CF IPs seeing you’ll be receiving income from your current PPOR and rather than pay tax on it, offset it against high growth IPs. Keep reading and good luck!
Sounds like renting is the way to do it in Syd at the mo. However a friend I know has taken advantage of the biggest tax loophole ever. He has made over $2.5M over only 3 PPORs in <10 years (net of transaction and reno costs). Not a bad effort at zero % tax!
Originally posted by jebro:I’m in a similar position to Andrew. Actively looking for good deals in Perth but am in a situation where I’m better off to sit tight and wait while enjoying the continued growth. Keeping a close watch to see when the kettle starts to come off the boil though.
Will you or any other forumites be jumping in when this market finally comes off the boil? I heard this is a resources boom of a generation. Brickies don’t go from getting $0.50 to $1.40 a brick in a very short space too often. Will you be prepared to hold the property over flat to CPI growth for the next 10 years?
Thought I’d bring this up again. Yanchep Stage 4 – Lindsay Beach side released this week.
Apparently some blocks have ocean views. You guys who picked up in Stage 1 and 2, I think you got a very good buy on the traditional blocks. At least $40K pick up there. Prices had not moved between the first 2 stages. I was wondering when the developers were going to load up. Again shows the importance of getting in early at the initial stages. Blasted conditions! In hindsight, would’ve been worth a first class flight over there to reserve a block!!
Now these cottage ones are going for low to mid $200s, a bit too pricey for me so good luck folks.
the problem with this asdf is that the tax you pay on your sales will reduce your asset base significatnly
That is something I did leave out of my calcs plus I suppose the stamp duty and transaction/loan est costs on the new purchases. I suppose as long as you achieve your financial goals, doesn’t really matter which strategy you adopt along the way.
A lot of commentators and forumites are saying that the top is near and comparing it to similar Eastern state experiences between 01-03. I suppose we won’t know where the top is until its over but a couple of things which I thought was a little different for WA this time round:
Influx of workers from a variety of industries
Increase private spending on plants and factories – particularly resource sector
Increase govt spending on infrastructure
Immigration inflow from SE Asia, UK and SA
Baby boomers moving to coastal WA regions
2x consecutive rate rises in Sept and Oct 03 which we’re not going to be seeing from RBA anytime soon.Investors were also buying up in NSW at the time. Perhaps partly fueled by the change in CGT laws and dispensing of the indexation method. But there were no other factors which I can remember which distinctly stood out with that boom except for maybe post-Olympics euphoria?
Yeah nice one Derek. I know what you mean by getting an offer you can’t refuse. Sell and start again with two or three x the number of properties at the start of another cycle perhaps. I know there are a few investors in the process of completing house and lands at the moment. Just be careful if you enter the market too late that by the time ur place is built in 18 mths time, the bull run has already past (if John Edwards’ & others predictions are correct). There are a few homes in Upper Coomera, Qld, Kellyville, Nth West areas that are selling below replacement value. Remember theres a lot of land they can sub-divide in WA so buy well.
Originally posted by Derek:In one case they indicated a price $30K higher than 3 weeks ago was acheiveable and in another a property has been listed at $80K higher than any other comparable sales in the same complex.
Hi Derek,
Just wondering if you would contemplate selling if we think this WA market is going to overshoot and will most probably pull back 15-20% like in Eastern states. Plus you’ll have to hold it for another 5-6 or so years before the next cycle starts again.
Just using simple sums here. Say you could sell a property for $500K now, it drops to around $425K in 2 years time then you have to wait 5 years before it starts moving again or perhaps 7 to get back to $500K (which is not unrealistic when you look at property bear markets in Qld, Syd and even WA in various times during 80s and 90s plus they say this is a resources boom you get only once every generation). And you wear about $5K a year conservatively in negative cash flow to hold the IP.
So ignoring time value of money, thats $35K cost in 7 years. Which means you would now need to sell for $535K just to be indifferent to selling now. 7 to 8 years wait before the next cycle while capital sits idlely… hmmm… I know there are loads of assumptions here but are any WA investors thinking along the same lines…?
Originally posted by lukis p:just heard that perth has moved up above brissy on median price now 3 rd on list brhind syd and melb.[thumbsupanim]
The figures are trailing indicators and seeing the amount of growth we’ve seen again between Sept 05 and Mar 06, I’d say it has now tipped above Melb.
Nice one Ausprop. Sure am glad they removed that White Australia Policy decades ago! On to the next deal….
Well done guys! I recall passing on Release 4 or 5 thinking who would want to live in this estate when blocks were so “cheap”.
An interesting scenario I thought I’d throw out for you Perthites currently hoarding land. I have just had 2 of my IPs completed and tenanted to folks building round the corner. I have been lucky that I got in the initial stages and theres plenty more building to go. Now whats going to happen in 12 months after their place is built? I’ll be competing with possibly 5 other investors who has just built a similar product, looking for tenants who would again possibly be building round the corner. As the back log of construction catches up in 18 months time and a greater influx of investor purchases, will we see a flood of new empty homes? Add to the mix the possibility of a slow down in resource sector by 2008?
Curious if anybody out there thinks that pop growth will be able to soak up the excess supply caused by the speed at which blocks of dirt are currently being cut up?
Wheres Busselton??
Originally posted by bkawz:Thanks for all your replies.
I will do a more detailed post later on, as i am busy now.
Flash: My brother and I have been playing poker for 2 years now, so we have saved up a bit. The money is sitting around, so Id like to invest it into something.You related to the bloke from Melb who won that WPT? Better sign up for a job – even if at Maccas or else the tax man may want some of those winnings. How about you show me some poker tips and I’ll get you started in IPs? Always seem to get out muscled by the boys…
Originally posted by Qlds007:Brizza
Crusher is almost there.
There are 2 main 1 secondary and at least 3 lenders that self insure.Hey Richard,
Does that mean when you get maxed out at $1M each on PMI and Gemworth, you can go to the other 3 lenders and get more LMI deals through? Do these lenders have a max lend? or is it based on DSR…etc.. ?
Cheers mate.
You should’ve been able to claim something on the land too. Most developers sell their land under the margin scheme so that should flow on to you too but not really sure how you apply it. From what I gather, you are out of pocket by the profits. ie. Paid $100K for land and $100K for house – $20K is GST credit and when you sell for $300K, you remit $30K to govt. I suppose if you keep making profits, GST will cut into ur margins.
Check out Julia’s articles:
A bit mind boggling really. Can you afford to hold and just rent out for 5 years? And cream all the depreciation off it too…
Originally posted by mk2r:Rare but still around are good priced house and land packages in Goldern Bay,Singleton and Madora Bay (Half way between Rockingham and Mandurah.
How much is good priced? Madora Bay blocks are going for over $250K. By the time you whack a house on it, it’ll easily cost over $450K. Possibly on higher side of $400s depending on the finish too. Thats a lot of $ for <$300 p/wk rent.
Originally posted by JVT:A quick search around Dee Why
Don’t you just love the red bricks?
Given the choice, Dee Why would be one of the last suburbs most Northern Beaches folks would choose to live. Have always been and will continue to be pitsville, no matter how much they try to gentrify it. But only my biased opinion.
Originally posted by APerry:Thee is also a smaller lender offering 90% LVR with no LMI.
Alistair PerryHi Al, Interesting. Is this a securitised lender? or one of the smaller banks? Basically is the loan mortgaged insured but you don’t have to pay it? I’ve heard of banks offering up to 90% but on 2 loans. The 10% must be P&I over 7 years but when u break or repay the loan – you guessed it, get pinged twice
Good luck finding a 4×2 in Syd for under $350K. Even homes up in Avalon, Newport and Palm Beach which is > an hour from CBD will go for >$800K with NO ocean views. $350K might buy you a 30 wait, maybe 40 year old 2 bed unit in the 7-20km CBD radius. Might be LUCKY to get $280p/wk rent for them with minimum $400 p/wk strata rates and yes, these are old buildings so expect the outgoings to increase more than CPI. A new development is selling OTP in Cammeray – just north of bridge. A couple of 2 bed townhomes are going for $800k+ and are only around the 70m2 mark. The highest 3 bedder was over $1.5M. Now, this is only a townhouse! No ocean views, nothing. The main attraction – 10mins into town. Big deal.
The properties you mentioned with harbour views for under $300K are probably studios. Good luck with the lender. No 2 bed apartment with decent harbour views go for less than $500K. In 03/04, I used to rent a nice apartment that had full view of the Harbour Bridge in Neutral Bay. Nice pad but small 2 bedder, only 75m2 but convenient to shops, buses to town, the Oaks..etc.. . We were paying $360p/wk. Two floors up, same condition sold for $680K in 04. This was a >30 yr old building. Probably worth the $620K mark now but hows ur rent return. Existing stock you see out there is pretty much cra*. The good ones will get snapped up and people will pay up for it too. SImply too many FHO to compete with. Since X’mas, they are out in hordes! In short, I live in Syd and do not own an IPs here…. yet.
I live in the Northside and grown up in the HIlls area so my views are biased. There are shi*ty areas of Syd I wouldn’t want to live in. Yes, you can probably get a piece of dirt with a house on it for <$500K about 15-20kms out of CBD but I prefer to not have morons and uneducated imbiciles roaming my streets at night.
Originally posted by Derek:Hi Nat,
I was speaking to an agent during the week who claimed that someone they know bought and resold a block of land within three weeks and make $60K.
0409 882 958Some house sales reps were buying up entire stages and on-flicking em for $20-$30K more to the general public immediately after. Clearly where theres money involved, ur gonna get the bottom feeders. Unfortunate side effects of capitalism.
You’ll definitely get a fair bit of depreciation back – maybe up to 2% worth in yield but whats the outgoings? The council rates will be fairly high and are the tenants contributing to the admin or sinking fun? You need maintain garden, paint building, fences and all you need is one big problem like electrical through building or burst pipe..etc.. and the landlord will have to wear the whole cost cos you own the strata. 6.1% is not much when you could probably only get 7% loan at best on 60-70% LVR hence ur cash on cash return is pretty poor unless you can do no money down like vendor financing or something. Good luck!