Pinky explained the cage to me last night.. its 600mm by 900mm and the height is 600mm… it sounds huge![]
We thought it through, it would be a bugger to clean, you couldnt really carry it out to the back and hose it out all the time…. so I thought we can get them to put like the bottom of bird cages .. a grate at the bottom, and a tray below that, so we can scoop out the wood shaving by hand, and pull the tray out to clean that…[]
We can still take the cage a hose it out once a month? based on how messy they are …[8D]
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)
Have a child, do the “due diligence” 10 fingers 10 toes….
Train the first to earn money from photo sessions “baby magazines”.. which pay for their food, and education.
Then the next child you have will have food, education from the earning of the first..then you put the second one into Piano Lessons, to pay for the 3 child and so on…[]
By the time you have 130 children, you wont have to work again. !!!
You will have doctors, builders, teachers, etc… [][]
PINKY !!!! Lets make a start !!![][][]
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)
LOL! My nephew has called his rat “Ruthy”… Aparantly, I’m the only person who can get “Ruthy” to fall asleep on them. I just patted “Ruthy” on her tummy and she fell asleep paws up (and yes, she did wake up!!! LOL)
We have a cat that does that …haha []
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)
Our 2 are good at getting themselves to bed.. they get dressed in PJs, and kisses and hugs all round…”Good Night, Sleep Tight, Dont let the bed bugs bite, and I love you.” Then they go to bed ….some nights you can hear them talking/playing for a short while…[]
When they were bubs, it was tiring them out by playing or running around so they were tired.. or “you can read for 10minutes but quietly..”[]
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)
Well… there have been a few bad ones, but not as bad as your Pinkster. []
..turning back the clock..
– I have assembled fish tank equipment.. heaters, etc. you always came home with splinters of fine glass in your fingers..[]
– I have been a Taxi Driver ! (4 years) all i can say is I got used the smell of vomit. [xx(]
– I have panel beaten for 2 years…the grease and dust stays on you for days, its like a permanent stain on your skin. [xx(]
Im sick now… [xx(]
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)