On the weekend, Pinky goes to work.. we all have jobs to do. And they love playing on the computer, or with their mice and rats. So the deal is… “when your jobs are done, you can do what ever you want… “
Mine is usually. Clean and vacuum the master bedroom, vac the hall/lounge, etc (general pick-up) Do about 3 loads of washing (even though I have taught my eldest to use the washing machine and how to load it… hehehe)
The eldest:
wash the dishes, change the mice cage, clean and vac your room.
The youngest:
Change the kitty litter, clean the kitchen table, put out any rubbish you can find, clean and vac your room, etc.
Then we can all play.. LOL []
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)
I recon you shouldnt have to name a child until about 5 years..then you can name them based on who they are .. ie..”complainer”..”guts”..”neat freak”.. etc..
You dont know what they are like at birth.. LOL [][:X][]
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)
We got HAY and recycled paper cat litter… to line the bottom of the cage..
Another question.. one of them “Ginger” the Albino, we think is “blind” !
its very dosile, and looks as if it cant see.. []
As our daughter picked it, we dont want to shatter her feeling by telling her..
and we dont want to replace it as its a living animal and thats not fair on the rat!. We will still love the rat, it is affectionate.
Any suggestions to confirm its blind, or do we need to do anything different ?
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)
Ok forumites, the RAT stories are starting now… LOL []
Pinkys Terra was in the cage, picking up food in its tiny fingers (its really amazing to see the fingers grasp the food…[^]) and its eating away…
The cat (the smallest of the lot “Storm”) was curious as to what it was doing, so the cat sat nose to the cage, just sniffing (we were both REAL close just in case of conflict..)
Anyway the rat aka Terra, put the food in its mouth and stuck its nose through the wire gap, and stood there.. the cat touched noses with the rat (it looked like the rat was offering food to the cat.. REALLY !! )
Anyway this was a pregnant pause of a few seconds, till the rat moved, and the cat JUMPED in fright LMAO!!, the cat isnt sure what the hell they are.. LOL [][]
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)
Pinkster…theres no room left in the dog house, the 3 dogs take up all the space….. [][] I’ll kick the kids out in the back yard and sleep in their room [}][}]
[] “Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)