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  • Profile photo of artemisartemis
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    I am completely new to this forum and hope you will forgive my lack of knowledge and experience.

    re….”Whats your problem!!”…….
    I am single, over forty, was married a long time, thought I would always be safe and secure….. having to learn the hard way how to take care of finances and security.

    Thats the winge over!

    Recently, edited a book on property renovation as a business, for a friend. Got the bug. Know I can do that…. If, If, If. (Have experience in home improvement from being married to a Do-it-yourself-er.)
    I have credit card to clear (less than 10K) See a year of strong resolve and sticking to a budget as a way to clear that.
    Have to establish myself as reliable. (In financial institution terms)
    Have had unemployment, now in full time work. Exploring the possibility of a second job or earning money from editing/proofreading skills in addition to f/t work.
    Have a son still at home. ( He’s 18)
    Have made some bad decisions around opportunity to make money. Still bruised from that!.
    Want to buy a small unit to reno. (as per friends book) Scared to go ahead on my own. Don’t have a friend who sees it as a great idea! (Yes, I DO have friends! they have other ideas!)
    Recently went to a weekend seminar (In queensland – from WA, considerable investment of my time and money but was worth it.) Learned lots about possibilities for wealth creation. Debt reduction is my first step. Blended the Metaphysical with the Financial (What you think about is what you create).

    Learning patience, belief, and trust in my own ability.

    Would love feedback from anyone who thinks I may be able to move forward sooner than 1 year from now, when debt free.
    I have understanding of the “genre” just don’t have practical application skills and maybe need lots more knowledge!

    Do I have a Problem?


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