ArnieS replied to the topic Leveraging your super, why would you not? in the forum Creative Investing 15 years ago
7.2% return after interest costs ????
+ what Dan42 said
ArnieS replied to the topic About to buy my first property – advice on trusts in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Keep it simple, keep it flexible. Save on the additional costs and hassle of having a trust.
When you have a stable of properties – think about trusts etc.
ArnieS replied to the topic SMSF Borrowing to invest in Property in the forum There was a big rush and 15 years ago
There was a big rush and great deal of excitement when SMSF were allowed to borrow.
Now, once it has been examined a bit further the benefits are not as great. It seems now to be pushed by property developers looking for new sources of buyers/finance.
There is some really dodgy stuff out there.
ArnieS replied to the topic Risky to buy properties in your name? in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
There have been some really good comments.
Asset protection is over-argued and in most cases will only apply to the very rich. Complex structures are often set up with no commerciality in mind. If you are using negative gearing as a strategy to build wealth – you will need to access the equity to continue the strategy. You don’t want to trap your…[Read more]