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  • argo replied to the topic IS IT WORTH LIVING IN A FULLY PAID 600k + HOUSE in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Bridgebuff,

    You suppose right. Three properties are cf- and one is cf+. As a matter of interest it is a commercial property, while the cf- properties are all residential.

    Up till recently I have adopted the buy, hold and hope approach, but I am beginning to change my views. If I do a small sub-division ie split one block into two and then…[Read more]

  • argo replied to the topic IS IT WORTH LIVING IN A FULLY PAID 600k + HOUSE in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 2 months ago


    If it is any consolation I am wrestling with the exact same problem. I have just read Steve’s book “$1,000,000 in Property in One Year” and a couple of the “Mappers” described in the book felt the best thing was to sell their homes. I note Terryw’s comments and he makes some valid points. The crux of the matter is being able to service…[Read more]


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