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  • ares replied to the topic No Housing Bubble in Australia…is there? in the forum General Property 13 years, 10 months ago

    A mate of mine already is a billionaire between him and his pops.
    (Comm prop) gets ragged on all the time.

    Peeps forget his pops had difficulties in the 80’s and they learnt from it.
    Remember the 80’s!

    I agree, the answer, or, the ever elusive chalice, whatever, is – you get
    what you put time into. Passion is the key.

    You have obviously…[Read more]

  • ares replied to the topic No Housing Bubble in Australia…is there? in the forum General Property 13 years, 10 months ago

    DW, I like this: Please don't bother trying to tell us all how unaffordable everything is. The question you should be asking my friend is "what do fear mongerers have to gain" People who spruik the market "what do they have to gain?", people who spook the market, "what do they have to gain?". – Like everything it's a knowledge game – who's zooming…[Read more]


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