arandomperson replied to the topic robert kiyosaki in the forum Opinionated! 17 years ago
There is a fair bit of research into Robert T. Kiyosaki on the net that indicates there is only evidence that he has ever made lots of money from selling his books, and that there is no evidence he has ever made money following his own books methods.
arandomperson replied to the topic In-room auctions? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
I have been to some done by Ray White, in terms of auctions the same as others except you can watch the other properties go (so a bit of drama and entertainment) and more comfortable (chairs) but as the properties are displayed quickly on wall projectors via powerpoint but of course you should have checked out the properties fully beforehand.A…[Read more]
arandomperson replied to the topic Shares beat property over the years in the forum Opinionated! 17 years ago
leverage? but those guys at Opes Prime are offering up to 95% LVR on shares aren't they.. no wait..
arandomperson replied to the topic Shares beat property over the years in the forum Opinionated! 17 years ago
Probably based on the same info this graph from Vanguard.. they mark cash on the graph but would be cool if they had an average real estate investment return plotted as well: they are trying to say is in the short term shares are…[Read more]
arandomperson replied to the topic Quoted Price in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
In my opinion:The number can be massively understated OR overstated.. go check out the property and compare with what similar properties in the area have actually sold for (not the silly numbers they stick on the adverts).I just got a place (fingers crossed) for 20% more than the figure on the flier, but I knew that figure was way too low, I…[Read more]
arandomperson replied to the topic Best advice : Don’t invest into property : The australian market is CRASHING. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
context: I just signed a contract on a PPOR (unit) and hopefully this time it won't fall in a heap.. I've been watching house/unit prices closly in some parts of Melbourne and although they have definately flattened out and may even ramp down a bit I do not think they will crash. There are too many renters hunting for accomodation, too many people…[Read more]
arandomperson replied to the topic Any one knows a forum like this for share/option/index traders? in the forum General Property 17 years ago
The forums at are OK, some interesting stuff posted there.
arandomperson replied to the topic two interesting articles in the Melbourne Age regarding dropping property prices this quarter and practices of Central Equity in the forum As I’m looking to buy, not 17 years ago
As I'm looking to buy, not sell at the moment (for PPOR) "now is as good a time as any" especially as my rent just went up.
arandomperson replied to the topic One property but 2 offers. What to do? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Don't let the real estate agent rush you too much, they are always in a mad rush to sell (read FREAKONOMICS to see why) and playing the "other offer" game…Amazing how short that gap between the Section 32 being available and the offer having to be made is.. despite every other party in the transaction maybe getting weeks on the paperwork..In my…[Read more]
arandomperson replied to the topic line of credit to buy shares/mf as I build equity in house – is this possible? in the forum Finance 18 years ago
Well it's now months since I first posted this query.. and I have gone with Ratebusters, I found a place and have purchased, now we are in that strange no mans land between paying down the deposit and settlement, let's see what happens.
arandomperson replied to the topic What is PPOR ??? can some one explain it to me more details.. Thanx in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
any other bits of jargon confusing to newbies here? took me a while to twig on PPOR as well.Also: CF+ (cash flow postive) WTF .. no, thats something I say after dealing with real estate agents..
arandomperson replied to the topic RateBusters? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
just my 2cI have chosen Ratebusters, although I haven't actually purchased a place yet so I don't have much to report except they have been helpful and fine to this stage (to pre-approval). I chose them because certain features of their loans will be useful to me down further down the track, rather than just the interest rates (though that…
arandomperson started the topic "Under instructions from State Trustees" – newb question, what does this mean? in the forum General Property 18 years ago
What does this mean?
I have seen this phrase a few times, and in context it appears to be a deceased estate or mortgage default property or similar, but Google hasn't really shed any light on what exactly this means wrt: a property listed for sale.
arandomperson replied to the topic valuation too low! loan not approved – options? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
On the lines of this topic is it a done thing to make use of loan providers valuer ahead of time to negotiate the price with the seller?
arandomperson replied to the topic Townhouses in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Yeah that was a short, relevant answer to the question from someone with knowledge in the field, not spam in my opinion (and I spend a lot of time fighting spam!).
arandomperson replied to the topic Interest Only loan advise… in the forum Finance 18 years ago
look up Robert Kiyosaki in wikipedia and google. There is a lot of well researched debunking of his claims and books.. of course nothing wrong with getting inspired, just that the Kiyosaki way may not be the best path (and there is a lot of evidence Kiyosaki himself never followed it).
arandomperson replied to the topic Singleton (NSW) in the forum General Property 18 years ago
If it's on high ground?
arandomperson replied to the topic I have a question on Past Auction/Sales Results???? in the forum General Property 18 years ago
On a related note are there any sites that have maps with average sale price mapped as a colour or shade on them for Melbourne etc?
arandomperson replied to the topic WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE BOOKS?? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
re: Rich Dad Poor Dad – there is a lot of evidence that Richard Kiyosake pretty much made up most of the stuff in the book, and had minimal financial success until his ventures into writing books on how to get rich.See:…[Read more]
arandomperson replied to the topic line of credit to buy shares/mf as I build equity in house – is this possible? in the forum Finance 18 years ago
OK, thanks guys for the input! It's starting to get clearer for me now.Looks like the "just simply" overviews of this type of arrangement don't count in the inherent hardlimits in current lending products. I might just apply for splits at certainthreshholds of accumulated equity (maybe every 40K or some other suitable slice). For example the &q…[Read more]