Is the lease actually 20 years or is 5 years with an option for another 3 blocks of 5 years? Options to extend leases are something that banks tend to throw around when they sell the premises while the bank is still in residence. They do have a nasty habit of not extending past that first lease period however.
I always prefer to buy houses as the value is in the land not the building.
I think it’s a fantastic idea. The current curriculum does very little in preparation for work or life in general. It would have been nice to have a teacher like you.[]
Pricing Analyst who fell into property investment as a bit of fun with a mate. We have purchased around 20 IP between us in the past 9 months. Very quickly has become an obsession.
Strangely enough have been more content at work as I no longer really care so much about climbing the ladder – just want to buy buy buy.