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  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Is Neil Jenman for real? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 10 months ago

    I guess it depends on whether you are or intend to be a wrapper or not..

    If you wrap – he is obviously out of control & doesn’t understand the win/win situations you are creating.

    If you don’t wrap – he performs consumer advocacy against the morally corrupt.

    [Tongue firmly in cheek for the righteously indignant reading this]

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic insurance question/tasmania in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago

    Well you certainly can’t replace for what you pay in Q’town. Can’t give you any recommendations for insurance in that town sorry.

    Others who have purchased in similar towns have had difficulty getting PM’s – how have you gone – or are you local?

    May I ask what prompted you to purchase in this location?

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic The Drug Crisis-Interesting article in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 10 months ago

    Interesting, but do we only have saints and sinners? A lot of talk about addicts and non-users, but what about recreational drug users who are not addicted but choose one addictive substance (cocaine/ecstacy etc) over another addictive substance (alcohol).

    I know people who prefer drugs to alcohol as it doesn’t make them as ill, no agro that…[Read more]

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Westpac increases discount in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Stu,

    Does this bring them in line with CBA? I can’t remember if their 0.7% discount applies at 500k or $1M.

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic I’m disappointed, Steve in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 10 months ago

    Whilst I am not a religous person myself I respect the feelings and rights of those who are – in fact I often envy the comfort they receive from their faith.

    I have edited this post because even though it seems to be meant tongue in cheek it has got to be considered offensive by some folks.



    Mortgage Hunter

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Why the West is Riding for a Fall in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 11 months ago

    It’s very interesting the lines we draw that tend to blur over the years. The ALP and the Liberal party’s used to be quite different in policy and belief, as were their supporters. Now they have very similar policies – both have moved to the centre.

    What I didn’t realise was that the far left was so similar to the far right. Both want similar…[Read more]

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Can any broker beat Homepath? in the forum Finance 19 years, 11 months ago

    The slow settlement applies to the parent too. We have never had CBA settle on time no matter how much lead time they are given.

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Investing in the US in the forum General Property 19 years, 11 months ago

    You will find a few very good threads on this topic over at somersoft – one poster has recently purchased many properties in New York state nad has detailed legal, realtor and financing issues they faced.

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Can any broker beat Homepath? in the forum Finance 19 years, 11 months ago

    Just remember that homepath have stripped down service to match the rate. CBA normally have apalling service and responsiveness but Homepath take that standard and drive it lower.

    If you have issues you may have trouble contacting a person to assist.

    I’m sure a broker will be able to offer a full service alternative.

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Just running an idea past you! in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 11 months ago

    Are you sure about the 80k per 2 bed unit? It seems very low – have you had a quote for this? Your average freestanding 2 bed unit is usually around the $140k-$160k each to build if you have no economies of scale – and that isn’t for a top of the range unit either and doesnt include development costs.

    Just seems you may be underestimating your cost side

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic How did you meet your soul mate? in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 11 months ago

    What if you don’t believe in soul mates?

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic 80 – 20 Split Loan in the forum Finance 19 years, 11 months ago

    Most banks will not allow you to take out a personal loan to fund the deposit for property. It’s a no-no as far as they are concerned, and I believe it may be against standard T’s and C’s

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Signs of Life? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 11 months ago

    Depends how much if any was borrowed really.

    I really haven’t heard negativity about Jacksons besides prices. I am sick of high density developments though.

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Signs of Life? in the forum General Property 19 years, 11 months ago

    Originally posted by zen:
    Will you get 800/week rental on this quality apartment?

    This is Sydney mate – 5% on res property is outstanding [biggrin]

    Probably get around 550-600 at a guess – depends if it has parking.

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Signs of Life? in the forum General Property 19 years, 11 months ago

    In Perth I’d want half the city for 825k!!!!

    Jackson’s landing is an upmarket development overlooking the water, 5 minutes walk from The Rocks.

    Everthing is very expensive there

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Spotting in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 11 months ago

    I’d have to disagree with that DD. You can have good cashflow and a “bubbling property portfolio”. It’s all very well to deny yourself for a number of years for a happy retirement but I’d prefer to enjoy some of the fruits of my labour as I go along & while I’m at an age where I can really enjoy it.

    My original post was slightly tongue in cheek…[Read more]

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Spotting in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 11 months ago

    I see a lot of people saying they are time rich and money poor on the forum but not many (none) that are money rich and time poor.

    Is this due to not wanting to be deluged with would be spotters or are people money rich partially because they manage their time well, even if it is limited?

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic What do people think about PIPS? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 11 months ago

    Hail Caesar!

    I have looked at your web link and see that it is EXACTLY the scheme that I mentioned in a previous post. That is not an investment I’m sorry, it’s a gamble that it doesn’t fall over before you get the money from the poor schmucks behind you on the ladder.

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic Rentals…increasing? in the forum General Property 19 years, 11 months ago

    James – I’d say the opposite is true in Sydney. There is a lot of stock not moving and plenty of room for negotiating rents down.

    IMO rents are probably at the same levels as 5 years ago here in the up to $500pw market.

  • ANUBIS replied to the topic What do people think about PIPS? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 11 months ago

    The extra delay would be caused by a slowdown in people “investing” behind you no doubt. I remember about 10 or so years ago there was an airplane scheme and you moved further forward until you were captain and got all the money from the 8 or 15 seats behind you. Of course if you get in early you make a killing but come in late and you get…[Read more]

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