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  • antara replied to the topic Ideas Please in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi Antara

    I am also a sole parent on limited income, so i can relate to your story.

    Have you tried homestart?

    Regards Bear

    Hi Bear

    homestart sounds wonderful but I’ve never heard of it. Could you enlighten me please or is there a website I could look at?
    Many thanks,

  • antara replied to the topic Ideas Please in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Hey Leonie

    I love Yeppoon. Do you know the Picketts?

    From what they have told me the prices in Yeppoon are way higher than Rocky (and yes, they wouldn’t live there unless they had to, but I’m not sure of your feelings). Could that not be an option? At least to get you going?


    Hi Mel,
    no I don’t know them, and yes they are…[Read more]

  • antara replied to the topic Ideas Please in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago


    Where do you live? I am asking because you maybe able to get a place wrapped to you for something similar to what you are paying in rent. Maybe your mum could lend the some money for a deposit?


    You and your mum could go in together and purchase an investment property or two. You could use part of mum’s money as a deposit and…

    [Read more]

  • antara replied to the topic Ideas Please in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Can you please explain in more detail what you mean by this question.


    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

    Hi Matt,
    I’m wanting to move out of renting as every few years I’ve needed to move because the house was sold or whatever. So I want more stability, but…[Read more]


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