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  • Profile photo of AnnmarieAnnmarie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Wayne,

    I've found some CF+ investment properties which may suit you as your return on a deposit of say 60k would be around 35% p.a. This would definitely help you achieve your goal of working less and less so you can spend more time on Property Investing wouldn't it? Only thing is I'm not sure if I can find these properties in Perth. I live in Brisbane and the properties I'm speaking of are in Brisbane. However if you like I can certainly find out if there are any properties like this available for you in Perth?

    Cheers and Happy Investing,

    Ann Marie

    Profile photo of AnnmarieAnnmarie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a newbie to the site and have been interested in investing for quite a while now, even though I haven't yet taken the first step. Perhaps I am a little over cautious. For example I saw a property in Greymouth, NZ a couple of years ago selling for $55,000 and being tenanted for $170 pw that needed around $30k worth of work done to it over time to tidy it up. I was over there for Christmas holidays at the time not really looking to invest, however we saw the property advertised in the newspaper and thought it was worth a look. In the end it really came down to not having enough time to carry out due dilligence on the property and there were already interested parties who had looked at the property before and did have the luxury of time to research it more thoroughly. One particular lady was putting an offer in that night. So, I didn't purchase the property, returned to Australia, and soon learned that finding CF+ properties in Australia is, depending who you talk to, nearly impossible! I do believe they are out there, however more often than not it seems to me that CF+ investment properties are made, not found. So it can take a trained eye as well as lots of time to find properties where you can make the numbers work in your favor. For the past two years I have been keeping an eye out for such opportunities as well as speaking with people and learning as I go. I am quite conservative so I'm still not prepared to go into a deal unless I understand the implications fully. I also believe, from reading Robert Kiyosaki, that you make your money when you buy, not when you sell (if you know anyone with a "crystal ball", please let me know), I also believe that your exit strategy is just as important as your entry strategy. So, having said all that, it appears that I have finally found a way to make considerably more than 12+ p.a with property which I am, well, really quite excited about. The properties I am looking at are in Brisbane. Are there any other investors here, preferably in Brisbane, who wouldn't mind taking a closer look at these investments with me?


    Ann Marie
    [email protected]

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