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  • AnnabelleS replied to the topic retirement homes quiries in the forum Opinionated! 12 years, 4 months ago

    I’ve never developed a nursing home before, but I have worked as a nurse in one, and all I can say is that it should be within a 10-minute drive to a nearby hospital so that if any emergencies happen it can be handled adequately.

    Technically you aren’t required to build any properties besides the housing units but you should add a common room…[Read more]

  • AnnabelleS replied to the topic Build cost for Granny Flat? in the forum General Property 12 years, 4 months ago

    I added a granny flat to my house a few years ago and it set me back about 80k. I’m not sure if the price has fluctuated much over the past few years but it should remain consistent.

  • AnnabelleS replied to the topic Introduce yourself in the forum Forum Frolic 12 years, 6 months ago

    Hello everyone!

    I just joined this forum today and I hope to be able to get along with everyone!

  • AnnabelleS replied to the topic town houses in the forum Opinionated! 12 years, 6 months ago

    Make your balcony large enough to fit a small table and several chairs. I’m living in a rented townhouse right now and the balcony is downright puny =/


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