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  • anie replied to the topic farm close to subdivision-asset or liability? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago

    LT Act mentions 6 y exemption if:
    owner lives elsewhere and does not own other property, and does not rent out more than 6 months a year for reasonable rent. The property is of the nature to interest families and no good tenant wants to rent for only 6 months in a year, nor I could afford to have it vacant other 6 months.

    Other 6 months, the…[Read more]

  • anie replied to the topic farm close to subdivision-asset or liability? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 1 month ago

    Under current zoning I cannot subdivide yet at all- I would do it if I can.When suburb is released for residential blocks subdivide, maybe then, even though might be better to accept developers offers- historically $1 mil per acre, down my road where is already done.If I move in  briefly after 6 years of renting it,  with intent to rent it out…[Read more]


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