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  • Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Dear All,

    19 Sep will be the fourth anniversary of Tim’s passing. Also happens to be my birthday so you can say that the timing isn’t all that great.

    I just want to take this time to thank you all and to remind you that life goes on. I have three other children who are my treasure. I carry on for them. and, of course I continue to pay the bills :).

    To all of you, may you find success, may your dreams come true, and you find love eternal and true.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Thank you, Charlie.

    Every now and then, I visit the forum.  I have no energy to reply but I am very pleased about how people care for each other here.  I am learning that the light is not at the end of the tunnel.  The light is in us.  Sooner or later, the ember will grow bright, but right not I am not afraid to admit it is but a flicker.

    Take care.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Thank you for your kind thoughts.
    I will be away from the Forum for awhile, I pray when we "meet" again, you and I are in a better place in life.

    Take care,


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270


    "Quantity surveyors use Cordells or other costing programs then add a percentage for the relevant postcode"

    Luv it!!!  Made me laugh


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Charlie_B,

    I sent you a private message, as you wondered where to find an investor angel.

    My proposal is slightly different but it will help you achieve your dream.

    Take care,


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Steve,

    I believe in giving people the tools to fish instead  of giving them fish.  Here are the tools

    All info are now on your finger tips and can make educated decisions.

    Hope this helps.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Leanne,

    In NSW, the granny flat revolution. 


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi charlie,

    I would tend to agree with Jamie on this.  I'm sure the money you're paying for rent can't be sneezed at — knowing the Sydney rental market.  If the mortgage repayment for the PPOR is the same as the rent, why not rent to yourself?

    I can almost see myself in you way back dinosaur years, although our circumstances weren't the same.  I can sense the same palpable desire to get ahead not only for yourself but for the kids.

    You will get there eventually. 

    Take care.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Gametime,

    I have learned the way this nugget of truth.  you can't eat negative gearing.  A loss is a loss by any other name.  Negative gearing is the sexy translation for "losses."

    There is a reason the colloquial name for money is "bread".  That you can eat.

    Take care.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Matthew,

    If you need to be encouraged, talk to me.  Apparently, according to close friends, my life mission is to  Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    Kidding aside, if you just want to meet for coffee (a few young people here have met with me) you are welcome.  Don't worry, I don't sell anything – not even a broomstick.  I know, i know, I've said it before.    Honestly, as an old foggy, I probably can share a truth or two.  PM me and tee up a time. 

    In closing, you have done well.

    Take care.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Q,

    Using your depreciation schedule as a guide, contact the material suppliers and ask for a scanned copy or photocopy of the receipts.  Most people will obliged and be sympathetic.  It will help them help you if you can narrow down the time frame to within a few days when the order was made.

    Hope this helps.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Michael,


    Elementary… Mr Watson.

    How embarrassing.

    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Kapilv,

    I sensed you were a little confused, I could be wrong though.  You may have been thinking we are discussing loans for students.  That was not the case. 

    The issue here was obtaining a mortgage for a specialised property called "student accommodation."  In other words, you don't have to be a student to find it difficult to get the home loan, student or not, if you're investing in a student accommodation under 50 sqm, higher LVR is required.

    I hope this cleared things up for you.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Squirrel,

    Are these properties in a mining town?

    Have they done anything to upset you or make you suspicious of them?  If they hadn't maybe you're worrying or being concerned for nothing.

    Failing to find out more, the best thing to do now is to do your visitations.  As the property owner, you have every right to request time to inspect the properties yourself.  Advice the property manager to arrange this.  This will either dissolve your apprehension or confirm your worst fears. 

    Take care.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Rib,

    In a word "hold."  It seems such a nice property and it would be a shame to sell it. If there is no financial pressure, holding on to it may be the beginning of a property portfolio.

    Take care.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Squirrel,

    Your post has not received any feedback. It only goes to show none of us here has heard of them.  If you want to get to know them, I suggest the following:

    1.  Google the company
    2.  check with your State's fair trading office
    3.  go to ASIC's website
    4.  call the company and arrange for a chit chat with the property manager in charge
    5.  if it's a block of flats, speak to one of the other owners
    6.  if it's a block of flats, did you have a say as a body corporate who should be taking over property management?

    I hope this helps.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Parraboy,

    Take it from someone who's been there and done that.  I've had to swallow a bullet once – a rather large one.  But as the Chinese proverbs says, "Take one step back and two forward."

    What I learned from selling a non-performing asset is this:  I got to fight another day.  If you carry Medowie for too long and too far into your journey, it will likely bog you down.  Unless as Jamie said you suspect Medowie has growth potential.

    Take care.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270


    There are many here who have had successful buys in the US, be guided by them.  Don't hesitate to ask them questions.  Follow the threads they've started in "Overseas Investing."  So many of them are so nice.

    A few have had bad experiences also.  Be guided by them, too.  We don't all have to experience pain if we listen to others who have been there and done that.

    Take care, young one.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi cuteyoungchic,

    You didn't miss anything.  It wasn't a 4 bedroom apartment to make 4 one bedroom serviced apartments.  I am familiar with the properties.


    Profile photo of angelinsydneyangelinsydney
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 270

    Hi Bacchu,

    If I were you, I'd cut my losses.  The longer you hold on to it the worse off you become. 

    The money you are pouring down the drain may be used for better income producing investment.

    Take care.


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