ange_doug replied to the topic what is a good salary these days? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Rich, Congrats on the job. Someone told me the other day that 3.7% of people in the Brisbane CBD make $100K and above. Pretty small proportion of the population in the City. Hard to say what a fair thing is though to survive on. The old saying is that “big ships need big sails” rings true. Mate of mine in Townsville making $120K package but…[Read more]
ange_doug replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
I WORK in the recruitment industry as an Executive headhunter sourcing Accountants and Financial bods. Ange is working in the University system in faculty administration.
Both have enjoyable jobs but are motivated by the 4 months we had of in 2000/2001 travelling in Europe.
ange_doug replied to the topic Negitive Gearing Dead ? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Have been caught a little bit with the negative gearing hype from one angle. My DSR is almost in the difficult area according to the Bank. Therefore to go on and add to my bottom line and afford more properties is not realistic in the very short term. My spending power is finite if I proceed with -ve gearing. By the same token my equity through…[Read more]
ange_doug replied to the topic Property Expo in Brisbane in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Checked and it says that there is a property expo in april 2004. sponsored by courier mail newspaper. is website
ange_doug replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
How do I get in touch with you to discuss mortgage broker matters and our financial situation. Feel like current bank is becoming too stifling as we try and go forward with more IPs.
Ange & Dougall.
Great to see more new folk pouring in – all from IT! I’m a mortgage broker and novice property/share investor from Brisbane.…
ange_doug replied to the topic 11 Second Solution – Step 1 – Is this Serious ? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Yes Tara,
The Toowoomba area interests me. Would be grateful to receive any information including BA from Toowoomba.
ange_doug replied to the topic Brisbane Meeting in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
ange_doug replied to the topic the 11 second guide… in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
where is this 11 second guide people are taling about here.
ange_doug replied to the topic town population in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Try this…..
Looks to be a German site but in English and pop stats for Oceania including all cities over 20000 inhabitants by state in Australia. Census figures included from 2001 by the looks. Good luck and thanks.
ange_doug replied to the topic Borrowing Capacity in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Yeah, borrowed on basis of equity, admittedly built up in low value regional city property ($112,500 value).
In retrospect my question a little misleading as figures include my owner occupied house ($380K).
Good luck.
ange_doug replied to the topic Borrowing Capacity in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Thank you very much mate. I read your article titled “No Money Down Strategies-What the Banks really think”. Very interesting.
I will eagerly await the Oct/Nov edition of API.
Thanks again.
Welcome to the forum.
If serviceability is an issue to rental yield is your answer. If properties are financed at 80% then you…