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  • AndyProfilio replied to the topic 22 YO / PPoR or IP in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for replying Jamie and Shahin

    as far as PPoR the theory of worst house best street is my primary focus ,as i am not too shabby with my hands and have alot of best mates in different trades in the building industry. 

    The question i still ponder over every night is would it be better to just buy an investment first off ,as i am at home so…[Read more]

  • AndyProfilio replied to the topic 22 YO / PPoR or IP in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 8 months ago

    thanks so much for your reply Johann

    lol why not buy two? . great advise but im still trying to overcome my nerves of cracking number 1, from there the sky is the limit to build my portfolio

    but as i said its all well and good to stay rent free and buy the investments, but i think its time i relieve the burden from the parents and start my own…[Read more]


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