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  • andyperry16 replied to the topic buying in UK in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    The UK does offer a lot of opportunity for cashflow investing and above average CG in the long term, Areas in the North of England such as Hull, Grimsby and Doncaster still offer good yield and value for money, You can pick up a 2/3 bed terrace house that rents for 400 pounds per month for about 60k, Scotland also has some great yields if you…[Read more]

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic IS THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN DREAM FINALLY DEAD!!!!!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi Paul,
    I worked really hard for two years before i came to Aus(yes im a pom, and dont mention the cricket!!!) working two jobs, buying and selling second hand cars and other bits and bobs. Managed to save 50k and bought a unit in perth 2 years ago for 180k, borrowing 140k, I then continued to work 3 jobs and save enough for IP back in the UK…[Read more]

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic IS THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN DREAM FINALLY DEAD!!!!!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I am 22 and work in a warehouse for 35k per year, and guess what? i own 5 property’s!!
    dont be such a wimp!!
    I suggest you read some books by Robert Kiyosaki, And stop Winging!!!

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Borrowing to buy in Dubai in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years ago

    If anybody is considering Dubai, Check out this website

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Borrowing to buy in Dubai in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years ago

    Try HSBC, they seem to be the most flexible when it comes to overseas investment funding.
    They can also help with bank accounts etc.
    Why Dubai? Are you looking at new build?

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic uk Property Story in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years ago

    Hi all,
    I have invested in the UK over the last year or so, and it is a very attractive place to invest. But you must do your homework and spend some time over there, or havea trustworthy contact with local knowledge. As far as a 26k property goes, it will be tenanted by somebody on DSS, and you WILL NOT get finance for it, for decent yields and…[Read more]

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Europe in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years ago

    Hi All,
    On the finance side of things for the UK, Over there there is a great mortgage product for + CF investors called the Buy to Let Mortgage.
    The Mortgage is given on the rentable value of the property rather than your own financial situation, most lenders must see that the Rent will cover 120% of the interest on your mortgage payment.
    So…[Read more]

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Buying OTP in Burswood Perth in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago

    Hi DP,
    Be very very carefull with this type of investment, It is essential that you do your homework!!
    Can you really predict what the market will be like by the time the apartment is complete, sure its hot now but how long will that last?
    You and your husband need to sit down and really pull this thing apart before you proceed, Think about your…[Read more]

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Investing in Ireland in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Hi marty,
    I bought an IP just outside belfast last year and it has performed well, 3 bed terrace house(town house) for 39000 GBP on a 11% rental Yield. its now worth around 50,000 GBP.
    Look at areas around belfast and you should find some good deals. A good website is

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Tax from overseas IP’s in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Thanks all, every little bit helps!!

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Tax from overseas IP’s in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Hi Gross,
    I will be buying in the UK this year, I believe that i can claim a credit on the tax already paid in the UK( Profit minus costs),
    is this correct? would anybody be willing to give me some advice on setting up a structure?
    any help would be great!!!!

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Tax from overseas IP’s in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    What about the deductions? which country would i claim them in?

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Tax from overseas IP’s in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    thanks for you input guys thats a great help,

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Broker in UK in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Thanks very much richard, greatly appreciated.

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Broker in UK in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Thanks for your input guys,
    Richard, i live in Perth WA! but am going to be buying IP’s over there this year.
    would be great if your friend could help me out!

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Feedback on Investors Club in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago

    hi all,
    where can i find out more about this club? where, when, how often?

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic buying agents in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    thanks all,
    i will also be looking into it next week, i will post anything i find of value if anybody is interested?

  • andyperry16 replied to the topic Initial Investment Strategy in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    hi zyleth,
    nice in-laws!!!
    If you are looking for quick CG then i would not be looking at sydney.
    my advice to you is if you want to get into to the IP game then continue to rent while putting all possible cash from your income into positive cashflow property, if your goal is financial indepence a trip to europe thats going to set you back 40k…[Read more]
