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  • andycasey replied to the topic IO = increased CF++ and liquidy in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 10 months ago

    is there any restrictions when negotiating for a renewal? obviously credit history would be present but its not an issue for me, but do banks only allow a limited number of renewals?

    i suppose if there wasnt a chance of renewal i could always sell and make a small profit from capital gains – closing costs, nonetheless it would be more benefitial…[Read more]

  • andycasey replied to the topic IO = increased CF++ and liquidy in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 10 months ago

    (forgive the typing if things are typoefd – im quite pissed – uni o week @ crown!@#@ pissed!@# woohoo@#$@)

    so if im to understand correctly, most people do this as standard practice? i thought a b+h with p+i was standard practice as they will eventually own the home after the term of the lease, increasing their CF+ after the term of the loan. if…[Read more]

  • andycasey replied to the topic developing for the first time – just a few Qs. in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago

    haha nice tip resiwealth:

    “be prepared to lose your house if you stuff up!”


  • andycasey replied to the topic Sth East Melb Discussion Group in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 10 months ago

    i live in eastern suburbs, about to purchase my first property – just turned 18. id be in for that; knowledge is power!


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