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  • andy4 replied to the topic Home Loan help! What to do? in the forum I can only give positive 16 years, 6 months ago

    I can only give positive comments on westpac who do both line of credit AND offset,you can have seperate mortgages for each property with the same bank. i suggest interest only payments on your investment property to keep the negative gearing as your tax bill will already be 30%plus on combined income of 160k. And pile all your earnings into your…[Read more]

  • andy4 replied to the topic List of things that can go wrong while investing in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 6 months ago

    Maybe investing in shares might be more up your street, but then what a nightmare they are!!!

  • andy4 replied to the topic Bay islands – Russell Island, Lamb Island, Macleay Island. in the forum General Property 16 years, 6 months ago

    My girlfriend and i bought a block on Russell 1year ago for 35,150 and sat on it for a while deciding what to do.After a visit to the Island (as were from WA and bought it off the internet on a whim), we saw how nice the Island is, anD after hearing of all the infastructure thats going on, ie police satation, new IGA Supermarket, outdoor pool and…[Read more]


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