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  • andrewlsummer replied to the topic who investing in the islands not inc nz in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    For sure, and I agree with you Ziv.  Actually I didn't know FIji was so bad now, but you're right, it is a balance of doing a thorough and (locally) educated DD, getting to know the culture (i.e. not be completely naive), understand the local law, and using the experience of those who have been and continue to be successful.  There is also…[Read more]

  • andrewlsummer replied to the topic who investing in the islands not inc nz in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Ziv,
    Of course this depends on the country and some places seem so corrupt you wouldn't want to arrive at their airport let alone purchase property there.  My experience in Fiji and Tonga is that property investment is free of the particularly problem you mention, however the exception is that one property could be sub-leased and then…[Read more]

  • andrewlsummer replied to the topic who investing in the islands not inc nz in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 3 months ago

    There are great opportunities in the South Pacific and this can only get better as the global population expands and those islands resources (like commercial property) increases in demand.
    Of course, the most important thing to do anywhere is carry out thorough due diligence, even if it's private property to make sure nothing is hanging over the…[Read more]


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