Location Location Location is obviously a little too simple. Jumped on my marketers who can sell an area’s upside and lifestyle and future improvement which is an easy sell, what they won’t mention is that by paying an outrageous price for their product you are still going to be fleeced.
Research Research Research always Comes back to the…[Read more]
We just bought half of a duplex pair for 30.8% below the other half of the pair which sold in 2009. That must feel like a crash for the people who sold now.
In price ranges 1M+ in areas that are tied to the business cycle we have seen 50% falls in cases in QLD, mortgage belt areas not unusual to see 15-20% falls, greater Brisbane as a total…[Read more]
Laury wrote:
I have bought two properties through TIC. Both transactions went very smoothly and both properties have enjoyed a very low vacancy rate. The QLD property has not performed to expectations and rent has been stagnant sincepurchase date, however the property manager seems to do a very good job and it is a no fuss investment. The west…[Read more]
Magg how much research did you do into this company before agreeing to purchase a significant investment off them? How much will they be paid for selling this property?
There’s plenty of independent opinion and links to further discussion already on this thread.
Increase or keep the same but explain your reasoning and that you aren’t prepared to pay more at the moment, have an expiry on the offer in written format and let them worry about it from there. This is assuming you are prepared to walk away or have someone else buy the property which is a risk you…[Read more]
Samuel you also might want to start building your network and connections, that will be powerful for your future.http://www.meetup.com/brisbanepropertygroup/First night is free to attend and then it's approx $30/night, mostly DIY investors are attending these evenings and a good way to learn at little cost.
Keep reading and asking questions, no harm talking to a lot of different people and learning what they have to say. The Jan Somers property forums are also a useful resource though I don't think they do anything else apart from selling software and books and speaking events.
Samuel241993 wrote:
Hello,Im an 18 year old looking to buy an investment house somewhere in Brisbane, i have saved 20k and currently live with my parents. I have a full time job and study part-time. I also put away 300 dollars min into a savings account each week, however i would be putting this money towards the repayments if i bought a house.…[Read more]
Well the Brisbane rental market has been healthy in total so the figures seem to make sense. Even after the flood there wasn't strong growth which indicates a balance between supply and demand, when you get that imbalance you see the crazy rent growth that is still happening in QLD mining areas.
The freckle, since my answer about 'prove it' could have been taken as flippant I apologize, will expand on the point about the graph you posted.Also re: Real Estate agent comment, hardly a difficult qualification to achieve, I would upgrade my status to 'internet stranger' for purposes of internet debate, I was an anonymous internet commentator…[Read more]
It's just Residex data, including the log graph at the beginning that you describe as your 45 degrees. Interpretations based on the data that I seem to be making according to you are definitely open to debate.2012 is looking better as buyer activity has been strong since mid December and turnover should definitely reveal higher numbers. Yes this…[Read more]
Working on the 'why' is important, perhaps more important that the 'how'.If you can work out what you are trying to achieve and why it can work well to have an end point in mind and work backwards from there to your present situation.
It's not only a good investment, it can be a great way to generate money through value adding such as renovations.Working your way up the ladder is the only way you are going to do it unless you can find someone to lift you higher up the ladder immediately? Perhaps inherit or marry into money? Otherwise start on the first rung and start climbing!
Yes perhaps a more interesting graph, how would we tell? A snapshot in time of the QLD (Brisbane) market is a fair comment and that's all the data is showing, booming isn't the word I would use to describe our market over the last four years, no attempt to describe the larger economy or make any prediction apart from 2012 looking better than…[Read more]