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  • Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    Yes Dean, that’s correct. You supply your own photos and can change those any time you wish. You can have 20 images.

    Andrew Blachut
    Owner PropertyNow
    sell private

    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    Yes you’re quite right Jamie, it is a good way to purchase and an even better way to sell. No commission whatsoever.

    Andrew Blachut
    Agent Assisted private sales

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of andrew191919 andrew191919.
    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    Corey, it’s not fair to say we circumvent the agent only rule on, as we are indeed an agent and in fact we are licensed throughout Australia as an agent, which costs us thousands of dollars a year.

    The people doing the circumventing really were the original agents whom pressured to resist the perfectly appropriate use of for the general public, so that agents retained a monopoly.

    I do get what you were meaning, but the “circumventing” part has a bit of a negative connotation to people who don’t understand what happened. If anyone would like me to and if editors and moderators allow, then I am happy to outline our entire system so that no on needs to guess about it and so members of PropertyInvesting get the skinny.

    Andrew Blachut

    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
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    I thought I should update this old thread because private sales on while still officially prohibited by REA are now a reality and something we facilitate every single day. Just so there is no more confusion,our company fought successfully in 2011. We launched a very serious and very well documented complaint against with the ACCC. In short we won a victory for all private sellers and at PropertyNow we have been helping private sales on for about 8 years now.

    So just to reiterate – you manifestly can be a for sale by owner seller and still appear on with no commission payable.Our company provides just such a service in the full knowledge and acceptance of

    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
    Join Date: 2005
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    I think that its a far better use of time, and money to fully research the buyers group with as much conviction and care as you would the property. I see no need to visit the states when the internet has everything you need to complement a carefully chosen buyers group. After all real estate is the same the world over – location first and foremost…and that's easily checked without setting a foot overseas.


    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    Jo, a good real estate agent read magazine is called SOLD. Their url is

    <moderator: delete advertising>


    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
    Join Date: 2005
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    As a real estate agent I can tell you to stay well away from anything even suspected of termite damage. It will make resale incredibly hard. The mere mention of termites, even if treated will forever cruel the property. Its a stigma you don't need. It's becoming a buyers market anyway so why create a real estate headache when there are many great deals available all the time.

    I have seen some properties fall down over pest inspections repeatedly and it is not fun at all. Steer clear unless you can hang on long enough to have the land value overtake the house price. In that instance you could buy cheap and live in it ( or rent out ) and then possibly demolish and start again on that block But again, why complicate matters when there are so many fish in the real estate sea.

    Andrew Blachut

    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
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    I am confused. If you could get a US lender on a US house and with Australia's exchange rate both favourable now and for the foresable future where is the issue?

    At this moment its a triple whammy. US property is cheap, lending is cheap and if the asussie dollar either rises further against the US or even retains parity with AUD then that is in your favour when you sell as well.

    No doubt I am missing something obvious but I for one would look very closely as landing a US mortgage originating from the US at cheap set in stone rates. It seems like real estate nirvana over there with such a congruence of factors in our favour. The obvious pitfalls might well be worth the risk.


    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
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    And don't forget that if you want to sell with an agent and yet pay zero commission ( yes you heard me right ) there are tools available to do that. <moderator: delete advertising>  I have just seached this forum and there is a scarcity of info about this. Private sale and no commission is not just alive and well, it's fast becoming the selling method of choice for thousands of aussies.

    Andrew Blachut

    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
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    Hi kevin, I would like a review copy if still available and you might like to input my company url into a resources section of your ebook <moderator: delete advertising>

    Andrew Blachut

    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    Well done Nat

    Would you permit me to use your story in my ebook about private selling? Your story is somewhat typical of many I have heard especially when the market isn’t booming and agents are finding it tough going.

    At the end of the day, the commission will always colour their jugement no matter how ethical and good hearted they may be.

    There are many good agents but believe me they don’t have superman capes and there is nothing they can do that you can’t….. so long as you have the right tools and attitude.

    I have sold over 300 homes…… and yet I am still waiting to actually sell the first one. The house always sells itself at the end of the day. There have been a few times when my words or attitude to the house helped sell it but it’s a very rare occasion when someones ( a salesmans ) words will cause anybody to spend $300,000, if they weren’t already going to anyway.

    In fact out of the many offers I’ve taken, invariably in those few times when I felt I had positively moved someone to buy that really didn’t want to……. ie actually SOLD to them……..they rescinded more often than not.

    Lets face it. Even cults need days, weeks or months to convince people to do what they wouldn’t normally do, or to think what they wouldn’t think. To kid ourselves that agents ( with a few well chosen magical words ) can cause someone to buy ….is rubbish 99 times out of 100.

    What I am trying to say is that Houses sell Houses – agents just take the credit.

    What they do have that private sellers don’t , is an enquiry mechanism. But as myself and others have mentioned in the forum, there are companies out there that can fix that for you now.

    Again if you have a private selling story please let me know if I can include it in my ebook. Stories like those of Ruf and v8ghia are great and I would love to include them in my ebook.

    Andrew Blachut

    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    Great post above, Adam

    I agree 100% with you about the real estate agent fear tactic. The one you illustrated is one of many that are used.

    By the way Tanya, I got down to your later post and noticed your home is in SA.. We will offer a more basic version of our private seller option in all states sooner rather than later. The new Private Seller package we are working on will allow you to diy sell with us but to a more limited degree in SA.. We just won’t be able to place you on the national sites we normally use .

    Once again good luck

    PS I would love to include some stories about people who have sold their own home in the next update to my ebook. If anybody in the forum would like to write their diy selling experiences down ( both good and bad ) and send it to me… I will put it in the book.


    Profile photo of andrew191919andrew191919
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    Hello Tanya

    My name is Andrew Blachut. I own a mobile real estate agency called PropertyNow.

    I just read your post , about how you might save on costs, by selling your property without an agent.

    We specialise in helping people to sell their own home.

    We aren’t the only business out there that helps you to sell diy but we are one of the very few who are more than just a marketing ( website ) company.

    We actually put our Private Selling clients on the 2 largest websites in the country and take enquiry for them plus signeage etc if desired.

    There are other companies that do something similar and if you contact me I can give you a list of around 10 of them but as I mentioned, I think we are the only one with such a powerful option.

    There is one proviso and that is that at this point we can only assist those whose properties are in NSW and Queensland….doesn’t matter where you live however as long as the property is in those 2 states.

    I won’t mention which websites we place you on ( there are 4 ) but you might guess.

    Within the next few days we will also be instituting an even lower cost do it yourself option.

    You can get a free copy of my private selling ebook at our site, just click on the book image on the frontpage
    I will place a link to my free Private Selling ebook inside this forum but only after I am given permission to do so. I think it will be of benefit to people who use the forum.

    I would be pleased to answer any questions you have about selling without an agent, Just post your question in here or contact me. Good luck in your efforts.

    Cheers and Happy New Year


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