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  • anch replied to the topic 1.5% residential vacancy rate in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    does ballarat obey the 11s rule?
    i had a quick look and saw one property for $200000 and renting for just $110!

  • anch replied to the topic mining towns….too risky? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    towlie, care to elaborate more? how long have you had the property for, what are the figures?

    robertv, do you plan to hold onto the properties for a long time?

    What hapens if the mine closes down? YOu could end up with a town with a large drop in numbers and no one to rent and your property will go down a lot in value.
    Am I just being too…[Read more]

  • anch replied to the topic Place comments about my spreadsheet here in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    One for me too?


  • anch replied to the topic Danny & Paul Hanna Workshop in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    so are these development sites at $290000 in certain areas? In Sydney, I guess it won’t be quite the same.


  • anch replied to the topic spill the beans ppl……..plz? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    scotty, your input is fantastic! I have been reading all your messages with keen interest

    I have a few questions that I would like to ask you. If you are willing, I would like to send you an email with some questions.
    My address is


  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    if I want to follow the plan (getting a +ve property per quarter) should I be buying in many different places or is it OK to stick to a few towns I know well?

  • anch replied to the topic why would you rent a positive cashflow prop? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    good points all.
    I also learnt that in some places, people get their rent subsidised by the company they work for.


  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    so, minimogul,

    i guess each person needs to make the best use of the banks money (leverage) without putting themselves in too much danger. A bit of a fine line perhaps.

  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    hi mini,
    excuse my ignorance, can you explain what you mean by leverage kicking in?


  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    hi all,
    is anyone out there following dave and steves 10 year retirement plan? Or are you following a different strategy? Care to share?


  • anch replied to the topic Buying in NSW in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I’ve been using to look for under 100k properties in NSW. Basically I go town by town and see what is there (0-200K). Is there a better way to do it.
    For example, how do I find the $92500 property bc and powmow mentioned?


  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    HI all, in an earlier reply, leigh wrote :

    Steve and Dave outline a ‘no brainer’ 10 year retirement plan in their Wrap Secrets Revealed Kit which will see you retire on >$100k PA. I’ve also seen similar plans in books elsewhere.

    A very basic overview (off the top of my head).

    First 5 years
    Purchase 1 property a quarter.

    Second 5 years
    Reduce…[Read more]

  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    hi all,

    thanks Chris Syd,

    I checked out the free stuff. A bit dated but helpful.

    By the way, what’s IMHO?

  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    hi all., you are right, property is not the only way, it is just one vehicle. ANd it is one I am still learning to drive!

  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Powmow, you said

    ‘Steve has left us an important extra chapter on this website about what happens if/when interest rates go up.
    its a good read and i suggest you have a look at it hope this helps.’

    I’m not quite sure where it is. Could you please advise?

    Hi kelly 100 and castle dreamer. I guess you are right, not everyone can follow the 10 year…[Read more]

  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    wow, retire in ten years. thanks Leigh. I’ll have to lok into it. I have so much to learn but feel I am getting on the right track. Thanks to you all!


  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    i have been learning about the 11 second rule to get 10.4%.
    Does this rule only apply while interest rates are at current levels. I may be wrong, but when interest rates rise, won’t this affect the 11 second rule and the ability to get cashflow positive properties?

  • anch replied to the topic how to retire by 40? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    thanks Joshwaly and cobra8272 for your advice and calculations.
    I really need to find those cash flow positive properties!
